the moment we encountered this locust-like life form From the beginning, our Three-Eyed Tribe started a battle with this cosmic locust-like life form. At first, our Three-Eyed Tribe had an overwhelming advantage, and then we faced off against it. Even in the final period, this race actually overwhelmed us. , its evolution speed is too fast. Whether it is land, sea, space, or even extreme cosmic environments, the life forms derived from it can adapt well and evolve with the needs of combat. Originally, the earliest At that time, it did not know the subspace navigation technology at all, but in just a hundred years of war with our Three-Eyed Tribe, it has evolved a biological warship that can sail in the subspace for a long time. It is such a kind of warship purely for combat and Predation, a life form that exists purely for destruction and evolution, is powerful and extreme.”


“Zerg in the interstellar world?”
Several men present almost shouted in unison. After all, StarCraft is such a classic game. It is impossible for several men present not to have played it. After listening to what the little girl said, they immediately recalled this game. At that time, it was called the most classic and perfect game in real-time strategy. I have to say that the Zerg in StarCraft are indeed what the little girl said.
“Disappeared?” Everyone was puzzled. Only a few of them had roughly guessed the answer, but they were not sure. After all, this kind of thing was too incredible.
/“Yes, it disappeared. This kind of life is too extremely powerful. Apart from swallowing, multiplying, plundering, and evolving, it has no other thoughts. There is no emotion, no thought, and no goodwill. It abandons the spiritual aspects of all living things and realizes its only purpose of survival from the purest perspective. All it does is to make it more likely to survive in the universe. Therefore, when it encounters the strong, it becomes stronger. In the Three Eyes Under the powerful strength of the Tribe, it became more powerful, and as the battle with the Three-Eyed Tribe became more intense, its evolution speed also became extremely terrifying. Do you know what this represents? The pinnacle of evolution of a life, There are only two possibilities, one is to transcend the dimension of the universe and reach the other shore, the other is complete annihilation and death. This life is completely annihilated at its most powerful peak.”
“So, based on the summary of the above three points, the Academy of Sciences has reached the final conclusion. ‘Original Sin’ is cultivating the earth’s civilization. When this civilization reaches its glory, it will devour it to complete itself and achieve The purpose of a complete living body can then transcend the dimensions of the universe and reach the true other shore.”
When Pei Jiao heard this, he was suddenly shocked. He recalled the past he had seen from Odin’s memory, especially when in the last scene of the “Twilight of the Gods” scene, several black light balls appeared in the light. Well, when he told Od

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