ately belittling him, he had no way to defend himself.


“How are you going to deal with my trouble?” Harlan asked with a sneer. If he really had no value at all, this woman would not be here at all, let alone go to bed with him.
The woman gently gestured at his neck and said, “The best way is of course to kill and silence him.”
After the words fell, the old liar turned pale and his face became extremely ferocious.
The woman seems to enjoy this feeling very much. She likes to have others in her hands. This feeling makes her very happy.
“Kill you to prevent that person from finding us along the line. But I know that a slippery man like you must be prepared to be betrayed by others before betraying others. You should be prepared.” The woman said with a charming smile.
“You are very smart. I have a letter locked in the safe. As long as I die, this letter will be sent out, and my employer will immediately know who wants to take his life.”
“I knew it would be like this.” The woman said with a smile: “What if we control you with magic first, then let you retrieve the letter, and finally kill you?”
Seeing the old liar’s face turned pale, the woman felt very satisfied; she was like a cat, gently scratching the old liar’s cheek with her nails, and said in a tired voice: “Don’t worry, you still have some value, but your value is It’s not what you think it is.”
“You’re not going to use me as bait, are you? It’s better to let me die.” Harlan shuddered and thought of another possibility.
“Bait? Is your employer such a stupid person? Will he be fooled easily?” The woman giggled: “Don’t worry, you will be very safe and live well.”
“Is there such a good thing?” Harlan didn’t believe it. He was a liar himself, and he couldn’t believe other people’s empty promises.
“Of course, keeping you alive is a very good example. We can bribe others. I believe you will do this for me,” the woman said.
After hearing these words, Harlan finally believed it. This kind of thing is not uncommon.
“You just said this was the last time. When are you going to let me leave this hellish place?” Harlan asked eagerly.
“A hellish place? Haven’t you always regarded this place as paradise? Even if you can’t gamble, there are still women and this.” The woman handed a cigarette into Harlan’s hand.
“Sooner or later this thing is going to kill me,” Harlan sighed.
“You smoked this yourself. No one has ever tempted you.” The woman said in a disgusted voice.
Harlan was completely silent, just like taking opium. This woman did not come to him on her own, but he found this woman first.
“When are you going to get me out?” Harlan asked.
“Afraid that your employer will find you?” The woman chuckled again: “If he wanted to find you, he would have already found you.”
“I’m more worried about the other side,” Harlan said.
/“What are you referring to?” the woman said, pretending to be confused.
Seeing the old liar’s furious look, the woman became even happier: “I’m only worried now. Why were you so black-hearted in the first place? You sold your employer to

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