g Mr. Lu Xun’s article, because the essence of certain things has not changed for thousands of years, and because he deeply understood:


Interpretation is a magical thing.
Whatever is unreasonable, someone will rationalize it.
As long as the keywords are right, the brain waves will naturally match. At this time, no one will guess the author’s intention word for word.
Including volley.
Save the child?
/Are you saying that I harmed those trainees?
Take a look.
What Lin Yuan didn’t know at all was that Ling Kong had caught the signal himself. After all, he had just talked about how he manipulated the trainees some time ago.
As for cannibalism?
There are so many cannibalistic things in the world, Ling Kong cannot be innocent.
And those who persecuted the protagonist, could they be online followers?
After all, it was under the influence of Ling Kong, Song Fang and others that many people began to question Chu Kuang and even abuse him for no reason!
For example, the sentence “This is what their mother taught me.”
Isn’t this what Song Fang and Lingkong’s followers are talking about?
It is everyone’s state to understand but not fully understand, but at this moment everyone feels that they understand!
“It’s so well written!”
“This is for scolding!”
“This is too much of a curse!”
“Song Fang, a dog of the Zhao family!”
“Lingkong begged for scolding, but Chu Kuang vented all his emotions. This group of capital represented by Lingkong is just cannibalizing people. It’s scary to think about it carefully. If it weren’t for the evil code speed of the old thief, coupled with the on-the-spot creation His abilities are off the charts, and he might be carrying the reputation of running a team in the future, and then he will really be eaten up and ruined. It is easy for him to get rumors, and the old thief is really exhausted trying to refute the rumors!”
“This attack is not just about capital!?”
“The cultural and entertainment circles have all been scolded!”
“Save the child!”
“This last sentence really made me cry!”
“Some people really can’t pollute their children anymore. Look at how capital is persecuting people now!”
“Why was Chu Kuang forced to come out and clarify?”
“Because he offended capital, capital wants to kill him!”
Everyone’s mouth is golden!
There was a lot of scolding!
But amid all the scolding, Chu Kuang actually typed again: “This article is not for you, the following is.”
Chu Kuang coquettishly called up the largest red bold font.
/Just one word.
Because it is the largest font size, this bright red character directly occupies the entire computer screen!
It seems like this word is quite powerful!
He staggered in the air and subconsciously took a step back. He almost lost his balance and was sent away on the spot. Chu Kuangtai acted out of common sense and was even crazier than himself!
In front of the computer.
Lin Yuan smiled proudly. He felt comfortable now and his thoughts were clear. Are you worthy of “Diary of a Madman”?
I don’t even deserve it.
You want

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