Why is it so urgent?


Delay it for ten or twenty years, and when Mr. Hudson is ready, he will come over to discuss this deal without any hesitation.
If the fight started now, Hudson would have no chance of escaping unscathed. Under the general trend, the weak mountain territory simply cannot withstand the impact of the huge waves.
Not enough words to speculate.
/The purpose of the person’s arrival was guessed, and the ensuing negotiation quickly ended unhappily.
At one point, Hudson had the idea of ​​reporting these guys, but in the end he suppressed it. If there is no righteousness in buying and selling, how can one do such unjust things?
On the way back, Baron Kellett’s legs kept trembling. If possible, he would prefer to live in the mountains.
Although Hudson was very annoying, these guys obviously didn’t have time to penetrate the newly emerged mountain territory.
Unlike the unlucky guy like him, who had buried countless nails in his hands, he didn’t have the confidence to fall out with these guys even though he was in his own territory.
Everything was caused by youth and frivolity. If he had kept a lower profile in the Northland and done less important things, he wouldn’t have been noticed.
“Okay, kid. Don’t expect to pretend to be dumbfounded in front of me and try to fool me.
Now that things have not been done, the original agreement is naturally void. Give you two options:
Either join us, overthrow this dark order, and shape an era that belongs to us.
Or you can solve it yourself, so that we don’t have to do anything and you can’t bear the pain. ”
Long Xi said coldly.
It can be seen from the sharp eyes that he wants to kill someone at this moment. Although the consequences of killing a noble are not small, it is nothing compared to what they want to do.
/When the words came to his lips, Baron Kellett hurriedly swallowed them back. Under everyone’s murderous gazes, he quickly said, “I’ll join!”
Only those who have walked on the edge of life and death know how precious life is.
Although the great cause of the mysterious organization in front of me seems to have no bright future at first glance, at least I can still live for now.
As for the future, that is something that living talents need to consider.
“Very good, I like smart people best. I believe you won’t do stupid things, but the process still needs to be followed.
The pledge is very simple. I don’t care whether you steal, rob or buy. In short, according to the requirements above, one-third of the armaments will be raised within half a year.
I can reimburse you for the expenses, but the task must be completed.
I will have clear rewards and punishments in July. If you exceed the target, you will be rewarded heavily. Many things that are rare in the market can be obtained within the organization.
You should know what the consequences will be if you fail to complete the task! ”
Long Xi laughed.
His face changed so quickly, it was as if he was a different person. Just thinking of this person’s nickname of “Smiling Lion”, Kelette co

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