thought Zhang Ziang was going to jump. Zhang Ziang looked at me and didn’t move. After a long time, he said: “It’s not that I want to jump. It’s that the person who wanted to jump has already jumped.” Zhuang Mei said rubbish.


thought Zhang Ziang was going to jump. Zhang Ziang looked at me and didn’t move. After a long time, he said: “It’s not that I want to jump. It’s that the person who wanted to jump has already jumped.” Zhuang Mei said rubbish.
So I said: “I heard someone screaming when I came up. I didn’t know what happened. I saw you standing on the edge of the rooftop and thought you were going to jump off.”
I kept looking at Zhang Ziang when I said this. , and then continued to say cautiously: “You stay away from the rooftop. Come closer.”
My words suggested that I was still worried that he would jump, and I made a move that I did not dare to step forward, just to show him that I seemed to be worried that he would jump, so he said: “I’m fine, you don’t have to.” Worry about me.”
As he said this, he walked towards me. It wasn’t until he was far away from the rooftop that I breathed a sigh of relief. I said, “It’s good that you’re fine, I thought…”
What happened next I deliberately didn’t say it out loud, just to mislead Zhang Ziang, but I knew Zhang Ziang was very thoughtful, and I’m not sure whether he saw it or not. Anyway, I could only do this at this time. The first was to protect myself, and the second was that I didn’t want to What happened to Sun Yao happened for the second time.
/Zhang Ziang said: “I asked you to guard the elevator, why did you run up?”
I replied: “I didn’t see you when I got to the 13th floor. I was worried that something would happen to you, so I followed him, but I didn’t know that I saw you standing on the rooftop. I thought you were going to jump.”
/Zhang Ziang didn’t say anything else. He said, “Someone has fallen. Let’s go down and have a look.”
When I went down, I pretended that I had never heard the conversation and asked him to inform him. I didn’t call Fan Zhenhe at the police station. He told me that he had already reported the incident and that he hadn’t had time to talk about the fall yet. He would wait until Fan Zhen came to talk about it.
So he and I went downstairs, and the man was beaten to a bloody pulp. There was a large pool of blood under his body, and the person was already dead. I kept staring at him and found that I had never seen this person before, but why I felt that his voice was familiar, but I couldn’t explain it. For a moment, He was looking at him in a daze. When Zhang Ziang saw my expression, he asked me, “What are you looking at?” At
this time, my mind was filled with the conversation between them, so I didn’t tell the truth. I said: “I seem to have seen this person there, but I can’t remember it. He looks very familiar.”
Zhang Ziang didn’t have any expression. He just asked, “Are you sure you have seen him before?”
I shook my head and said, “I I don’t know, I just feel familiar.”
After I finished speaking, I looked up at Zhang Zi’ang and asked a question deliberately: “Then again, if there is no connection between us, then why did he come to my house for no reason? , and the position where he stands is the scariest. I have been scared by him

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