running away. Then I called you, but I couldn’t talk to you because of the situation. I finally managed to talk to you, but I was already shot. “


running away. Then I called you, but I couldn’t talk to you because of the situation. I finally managed to talk to you, but I was already shot. ”
Ting Zhong briefly told what happened at that time. After listening to his description, I already knew what he met. Just like the time I was kidnapped, I couldn’t remember anything in between when I woke up. I only remember what happened before I fell into a coma.
I said, “So you sent me your location very quickly after hanging up the phone.”
Ting Zhong suddenly raised his head. Although I couldn’t see his expression clearly in the darkness, I knew his expression. He must have been shocked, and then I really heard him say in a matching voice: “I didn’t send it, it must have been the person who attacked me.” Hong threw away the garbage.
Hearing Ting Zhong’s words, this further confirmed my guess. This is indeed a conspiracy. Ting Zhong is a bait. Someone wants me to go there. No, it’s not me, but someone who wants to find out. The secret of the forest, just like Zeng Yipu said, the exposure of this forest will be detrimental to many people.
I then continued to ask Ting Zhong: “Then what do you remember?”
Ting Zhong said: “There is one more thing that I don’t understand and I don’t have any clue. I don’t know whether I should say it or whether you think I’m not normal.”
I asked: “What is it?”
Ting Zhong said: “After I woke up, there was always a sentence in my mind. I don’t know why I kept remembering this sentence, as if I was in a coma. I have experienced this period of time or heard someone say it. It is like a dream and reality. This sentence means-don’t let him know that I have been here, otherwise someone will die.”
In the court bell When I said this sentence, I suddenly felt that I was in a trance, and then my brain went blank for a while, and the exact same words began to emerge in my mind, and these words came out of my mouth word for word. Yes, I seem to be telling someone – don’t let him know that I have been here, otherwise someone will die.
/Then I suddenly felt a throbbing pain near my temple. It felt like the blood vessels near my temple were rapidly expanding and about to burst. I groaned and pressed it tightly with my fingers. The pain in my temple was so severe that I briefly lost the ability to think.
Hearing my groaning voice, Ting Zhong asked me, “What’s wrong with you?”
The pain lasted for a few seconds and soon subsided. Although it still hurt slightly, it was much better. I still pressed my temples and said, “It’s okay, but my head suddenly hurts.”
Ting Zhong asked, “Headache?”
I pressed my temples and asked him, “Do you remember why you said such a sentence?”
Ting Zhong said: “It wasn’t me who said it, but someone else said it to me. But I don’t remember who said it. I just remember this voice. It was very ethereal, like it was in my ears, and it seemed like it was coming from all directions. Likewise, I thought of this sentence as soon as I woke up, so from the time I woke up to now, I have been thinking about this sente

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