nt, Klein felt that a mirror had become an extension of his body and eyes, helping him to clearly see and interfere with the real world above the gray fog.


Yes, clear
/Everything in Klein’s sight no longer had the gray and blurry feeling, and appeared clearly in his eyes.
His eyes suddenly froze for two seconds.
In front of him was a girl wearing a pure white dress with golden lace. Her long golden hair was held up casually, flowing down softly and shiny. Her green eyes reflected the slightly pale firelight, which was as deep as The sea is like the purest gem. Her facial features and face shape create a breathtaking beauty. Her temperament is elegant and pure.
Klein looked away feeling guilty.
I almost thought she was a witch with a high rank, but fortunately I remembered in time that Miss Justice was an Extraordinary of the “Audience” path, and could not become a witch. The fragrance of the hydrosol was very good, and the subtle feeling was very special, and the “Faceless” Miss Justice, a magical item made by “human being” with extraordinary characteristics, turned it into a necklace. Klein’s eyes fell on the magical item disguised as a diamond necklace.
Then, he heard Miss Justice speak expectantly:
“Magic Mirror, Magic Mirror, please tell me the whereabouts of the owner of this notebook.”
Audrey knew that she was asking Mr. Fool for advice, but the words “Mirror, Mirror” had been something she had wanted to say since she heard related stories when she was a child, and now she finally had the opportunity to put them into practice.
Previous failures don’t count, so Audrey nodded for herself in her heart.
Klein immediately looked at the black notebook placed between the candle and Miss Justice, and discovered that his spirituality could easily spread out with the help of the mirror, and he could “hold” the divination medium like a hand.
Above the gray fog, he quickly wrote the corresponding divination sentence:
“This notebook originally belonged to the owner’s whereabouts.”
Holding notes in one “hand” and paper in the other, Klein recited silently while leaning back on the chair again. With the help of “meditation”, he quickly fell into a deep sleep.
Audrey opened her green eyes and looked at the mirror seriously and intently, waiting for Mr. Fool’s response.
After several seconds, she finally saw water patterns appearing on the mirror surface, making ripples.
After the “magic mirror divination method” was successful, Audrey’s eyes widened and she reflected the picture flashing in the mirror:
That’s an aerial view of a countryside
The scene is getting closer and closer, and the dragon paintings on each building gradually become clearer.
A church soon occupied the main body of the mirror, which was soon replaced by the cemetery attached to it.
In the end, the picture was fixed on a tombstone in a corner. The inscription on it had become blurry due to the sun, rain, and strong wind, and only the name “Lindelila” could be vaguely seen.
At this time, the mirror suddenly dimmed and then returned to no

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