became a little confused, and he said: “You and I are both in this house, and I am still in the yard. If the bell is really coming from outside, I should hear it better than you, but why didn’t I hear anything?”


became a little confused, and he said: “You and I are both in this house, and I am still in the yard. If the bell is really coming from outside, I should hear it better than you, but why didn’t I hear anything?”
Unexpectedly, this unintentional sentence turned out to be a confusing problem. For a while, I didn’t know what to say, but for Zhang Ziang seemed to already know what happened in the mountain village, but the bell sounded blank. I didn’t know where he got this information from, and I felt that he and Fan Zhen should have some way of contacting each other, so I asked him: “You have been here all this time, how do you know about things in the mountain village?”
Zhang Ziang said: “I have been in contact with Captain Fan. He told me that the village is going to disappear and you will come here later. He asked me to keep an eye on you because he said that after what happened in the mountain village, your vigilance will be reduced. ”
Moreover, Zhang Ziang and I confirmed in detail the time when he and Fan Zhen talked. It turned out to be before the mountain village disappeared, that is, when I took Wang Zhexuan to leave the village. But this is even more wrong, because Fan Zhen and Zhang Ziang talked about all the mountain villages. But the only thing I didn’t mention was the bell. I still remember that just after the bell rang, he ran out from somewhere and told us to get out of there immediately. After that, the collapse happened. The bell seemed to be a reminder, but what was puzzling was that after arriving here, the bell had already rang, but nothing similar happened.
My thoughts were a little complicated for a while, and I even forgot to study carefully what Fan Zhen and Zhang Ziang said about our alertness being reduced. I didn’t have time to think about what this meant, but just thought about it. Take it like this.
So I once again shifted my doubts to the person who wanted to lead me out. I asked Zhang Ziang: “So who is the person who led us out?”
Zhang Ziang said: “It’s not clear so far. I only know that this is not a person.” People, but a gang. They will only appear at night, that is, when people in the entire town dare not come out at night. They will appear and wander through the entire town like a group of ghosts. The corpses you saw that night , it has something to do with them.”
I continued to ask: “Then they are also residents of the town?”
/Zhang Ziang said: “It is difficult to define this now, it may or may not be the case. In short, there are more mysteries in this town than you can imagine, and it is not It’s not as simple as you see.”
I said, “Since we want to know the truth of the matter, we can only start with these people.”
Zhang Ziang frowned after hearing this, and said, “You still want to continue Check it out?”
/I was a little surprised by Zhang Ziang’s doubts. At the same time, my mother’s reminder voice in the dream and the voice in my ears when I woke up gradually merged together, and became inexplicably clear. I said: “That sentence “The words…”
Zhang Z

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