w, has been under the most violent attack from the Royal Court of Bears.


Crossbows, trebuchets, magic crystal cannons, and magic bullets were flying all over the sky, and all the firepower was directed at the defenders on the city wall.
It can be seen that the Bear King is preparing to vent all the grievances he has suffered on this castle.
This kind of forceful attack without any expense put great psychological pressure on the defenders from the beginning.
The magic crystal cannons on the city wall kept ringing, and the crossbows and trebuchets continued to fire downwards, but the Flying Bear Castle was just a fortress after all.
/Compared to the entire Ursine Imperial Court, all the firepower they possess on the Moxi battlefield is still at a disadvantage.
After all, before the war broke out, who would have thought that the Orc Imperial Court would spend such a high price to storm a military fortress?
Even if the offensive is really so fierce, it should be directed at Terrance City, the hub of the defense line, rather than the Flying Bear’s Castle, which has a second-tier strategic position.
Bearing pressure that it should not have endured, the ancient Flying Bear Castle wept amid the flames of war.
Facing the overwhelming offensive of the orc army, if they were not trapped in an isolated city with no way out, the defenders would have collapsed long ago.
However, this is just an appetizer now, the real bloody battle will happen after the city is broken.
Loud noises continued to be heard, and after each explosion, a city wall collapsed.
“What’s going on? Why hasn’t the enemy’s wall been torn apart yet?”
The Bear King who was watching the battle asked with confusion on his face.
“Your Majesty, the enemy has thickened the city wall. Even if we bury magic bullets specially designed to destroy the city under the city wall, we can’t tear it all apart at once!”
Perhaps seeing the Bear King’s ugly expression, the middle-aged officer hurriedly added: “But even if the enemy thickens the city wall, it cannot stop the heroic orc soldiers.
The collapsed city wall is a natural ladder. Soldiers can rush up the enemy’s city wall along the ruins.
/While he was talking, some orc soldiers were already charging forward along the collapsed ruins of the city wall.
Unfortunately, the road that was blown up was not a smooth road. It was difficult to walk normally, let alone launch a charge.
Any delay on the battlefield will cost lives. The charging orc soldiers moved a little slower and became targets for the archers.
This sacrifice was not in vain. A large number of corpses of orc soldiers gradually filled up the ruins, and forcibly piled up a road with their animal lives.
Seeing this scene, the Bear King was overjoyed and hurriedly ordered: “Ask the Bear Heavy Infantry to come up and tear open the enemy’s turtle shell for me!”
The appearance of the bear soldiers immediately attracted the attention of the generals defending the city.
Without any hesitation, Raquel immediately ordered: “Pour the fire oil on it qui

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