ldt took a puff of his cigar, paused for a few seconds, and said thoughtfully, “I do know an artisan, but he is unwilling to meet with unfamiliar people. This will bring him great danger. If you If you have any needs, I can help you transfer. I think I should have this credibility.”


For major churches, at certain times, mid-to-low-sequence Extraordinaries without subjective malice can be ignored, but “artisans” must be treated indiscriminately, otherwise it will cause the proliferation of magical items and bring great instability to human society. .
It seems that Bilt’s organization of the “Adventurers Mutual Aid Association” is not just a waste of money. At least it has gathered a lot of resources and channels. Klein took out the fish-man swim bladder that he had prepared long ago and said:
“I wanted to make it into a ring that basically provides underwater mobility.”
He didn’t talk about messengers for the time being. He planned to test the “craftsman’s” ability and the credibility of Bilt and his gang first. If the spell to summon the messenger spreads too widely, it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.
The extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 9 are not expensive. Even if Bilt becomes greedy and steals the magical items he has made, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, I still have a bunch of spells from the Poseidon Domain and it’s not like I can’t come to collect debts. This is actually better. If he can organize the “Adventurers Mutual Aid Association”, he must have a lot of money and materials. Klein thought about it and couldn’t help but take a closer look at Bilt.
At this moment, Bilt shivered inexplicably, and all the hairs on the back of his neck stood up.
He felt that Gehrman Sparrow’s eyes just now were like looking at a treasure
As a treasure, this is not a good experience.
Bilt glanced at Sotos next to him, forced a smile and said:
“This is the fish-man’s swim bladder, right?
“There are basically no surprises in making magical items from materials of this level.
“The craftsman’s fee is 150 pounds. You can give it to me after the work is completed.”
The price was very fair. Klein nodded silently and threw the fish-man swim bladder in his hand.
After Bilt caught it, he added:
“Ask the craftsman for me if he has the ability to solidify the ritual of summoning spiritual creatures into an item. The requirement is that it can be used for at least one year.”
“No problem.” Bilt breathed a sigh of relief and winked at Sotos.
Sotos rubbed his sunken eye sockets, took a step forward and said:
/“Mr. Hermann, are you interested in going overseas recently?”
“We already have a few good ships and are planning to recruit people to hunt pirates in the east.”
It’s quite interesting, but my focus lately is the digestive potion. Klein calmly shook his head.
The smile on Sotos’ face stiffened for a moment and then disappeared.
He said nothing more, because it was the rejection of a pirate general-level adventurer. He and Bilt had collected the corresponding newspapers and confirmed the authenticity

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