collar and hang there conspicuously.”


“What do you want to do?” Daniz asked blurtly.
Klein smiled kindly again:
“No, it can’t be like this.” Daniz subconsciously chose to refuse.
He could imagine what judgment the Red Skull Pirates would make after discovering him. Either “Fire Flame” Daniz was captured and there was a very terrifying strong man on the ship, or the ship had been destroyed by “Iceberg”. Lieutenant General” stared at him, and the other pirates immediately stayed away.
The way I was hung out determined what they would think of me, Daniz thought sadly.
Klein smiled even more kindly:
“I’m an easy guy to get along with, really, as long as you do what I tell you.”
At this moment, Daniz felt that indescribable and indescribable hunger again, and he felt that a piece of his flesh and blood and the soul in his body would be torn off at any time.
After weighing for a second, he half-raised his hands, gritted his teeth and said with a smile:
“I will do it myself.”
Daniz endured the anger and frustration, turned around and climbed out of the window. Relying on the balance and strength he had cultivated over the years, and using his backward elbows as support, he hung outside the cabin.
“Don’t try to escape, I’m not a patient person.” Klein’s expression turned cold and he reminded him gently.
Hudaniz resisted the urge to let go of his elbows and jump directly.
On the distant pirate ship, the crew responsible for observing the White Agate delivered a message to “Sea Wolf” Johnson:
“Boss, there’s a strange guy over there who hung himself out of the window.”
Johansson was stunned for a second, then raised the telescope to his eyes.
He quickly discovered the strange guy mentioned by his men, because his position was too conspicuous.
Isn’t this “Fire Flame” Daniz? Johansson’s brows jumped and he recognized the other person.
How could he appear on the White Agate? What does he mean by hanging outside? This is the prey of “Vice Admiral Iceberg”. After a series of questions, “Sea Wolf” made a judgment.
He raised his right hand and said:
/“Pay attention to all, stay away from this sea area immediately”
In Room 305, Cleeves held the revolver tightly and stood by the window to prevent a possible boarding battle.
Donna’s family was a little scared and did not return to their bedrooms. They just sat in the living room and waited for the bombardment to begin. Cecil and another bodyguard Teague stood beside them, on full alert.
At this moment, a puzzled look appeared in Cleves’ slightly aged eyes.
After several minutes, he took a step back, lowered his gun, and said to everyone:
“The pirates left.”
“What” such a development surprised and puzzled Uldi Blanche and others, and they had no idea what the pirates were thinking.
Room 312.
“Fire Flame” Daniz crawled back and snorted unbearably:
“You are taking advantage of our captain’s reputation. She hates this kind of thing.”
Just wait to be taught a lesson by “Vice Admiral Iceberg”, Daniz thought angrily in his heart.
Klein listened quietly and asked

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