which was the clone of the legendary ‘Half Spider King’. This time he was going to enter the territory of the ‘Half Spider King’. It would be more convenient to have the clone of the legendary ‘Half Spider King’ as a cover. .


The clone of the legendary ‘Half Spider King’ was naturally stored in the ‘Artifact Space Card’ first. David used his ‘Breaking Sky’ talent to leave the underground base and soon entered the territory of the ‘Half Spider King’.
Through the space channel opened by the ‘Breaking Sky’ talent ability, he arrived at the periphery of the planet where the ‘Half Spider King’ nest was located.
David has an accurate judgment on the strength of the ‘Half Spider King’. The position where he came out of the space channel is beyond the range that the ‘Half Spider King’ can detect.
/When we got here, we could vaguely see the distant planet, where the ‘Half Spider King”s lair was located.
David summoned the clone of the legendary ‘Half Spider King’, and then he himself entered the ‘Artifact Space Card’. The ‘Artifact Space Card’ was not hidden under his control this time.
The clone of the legendary ‘Half Spider King’ flew towards the planet with the ‘Artifact Space Card’. When approaching the planet, the huge nest of the ‘Half Spider King’ could already be seen.
At this moment, a terrifying coercive force fell on the clone of the legendary ‘Half Spider King’, seeming to be checking the situation of the clone of the legendary ‘Half Spider King’.
The ‘Half Spider King’ is in the lair, but he still has some energy left to sense the situation around him.
The development of this habit is also attributed to David. Last time David came and emptied the ‘Half Spider King”s nest and lost all the treasures, which made the ‘Half Spider King’ extremely angry and resentful. Nest security is more careful.
When it discovered the clone of the legendary ‘Half Spider King’, the ‘Half Spider King’ was very strange. It didn’t know that there was such a legendary level ‘Half Spider King’ in the clan.
In order to prevent the ‘Half Spider King’ from recognizing the identity of the legendary ‘Half Spider King’ clone, David made some changes in appearance.
After the ‘Half Spider King’ sensed it and found out that the clone of the legendary ‘Half Spider King’ was indeed a legend of the ‘Half Spider’ clan, he was also very curious.
The ‘Half Spider King’ never thought that the fallen legend would be resurrected. Besides, they are all from the ‘Half Spider’ clan and can be trusted.
“Little guy, which branch are you from? How come I’ve never seen you before?” The question came from the ‘Half Spider King’ through his mind.
David’s mind was connected with the clone of the legendary ‘Half Spider King’, and he naturally heard the words coming from the ‘Half Spider King’.
/David was slightly nervous. If he was discovered at this time, he would be hunted down by all the gods of the Zerg tribe without mentioning the raid plan, even if he wanted to leave.
“I am a newly promoted legend. I do not belong to any branch. I was promoted

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