ved only this care and love from his elders in recent years, opened and closed his eyes, lowered his head slightly, nodded vigorously and said:


“I will work hard.”
/Dorian put away his feelings just now, nodded gently and said:
“The most admirable thing about you is your kindness.”
Forsi felt a little embarrassed and turned to a word the teacher mentioned just now:
She remembered that the teacher had not told her about the Abraham family yet, and he pretended that she, Lawrence, Anlisa and others were members of a secret organization.
——In order to distinguish what the teacher said and what he learned at the tarot meeting, Forsi carefully sorted it out before going out to avoid accidentally saying something he shouldn’t know. information.
Dorian replied simply:
“To solve the curse problem, everyone in my family joined that organization.”
He immediately changed the topic:
“Why the rush to move this time?”
/“Being targeted by official Beyonders.” Forsi first told half the truth, and then complained a few words about the postman.
Dorian didn’t say any more, avoided Forsi, arranged a ritual, and summoned the music-loving void creature Malmoth, causing it to spit out three items.
One is a crystal that is so transparent that it is almost illusory, the second is ancient parchment, and the third is a small hunter’s backpack.
“This is an extraordinary characteristic left by a ‘traveler’. With it, you don’t need to collect additional main materials. This is the ‘traveler’ potion formula. This backpack contains the corresponding auxiliary materials. If you don’t have a good way to preserve them, then try to digest the ‘Recorder’ potions within half a year, otherwise their spirituality will be completely lost…” Dorian handed all the items in his hand to Forsi.
“Thank you, teacher.” Forsi said sincerely.
Then, she unfolded the parchment, quickly browsed through the potion formula, and focused on the ritual:
“Special coordinates are set up in four completely different places far apart in the depths of the spiritual world.”
“What is the purpose of this ceremony?” Foer thought for a few seconds and asked the teacher for advice.
“After taking the ‘Traveler’ potion, you will start traveling in the spirit world uncontrollably. When you initially master the power, you will find that you have lost your way. At this time, you can use those four special coordinates to return to reality. world, otherwise you will be trapped in the depths of the spiritual world for a long time, which is not only dangerous, but will also assimilate you, making you lose your mind and turn into a creature attached to the spiritual world.” Although Dorian himself has no hope of becoming a “traveller”, But I have seen students promoted to sequence 5 before.
“Then there should be other alternatives…” Forsi whispered as if he was thinking.
“Yes.” Dorian nodded and said, “There was an item in the organization before that could allow people to return to reality directly from the spirit world. Unfortunately, it was lost.”
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