hands, and fought with the overseas guards. Join forces to block the Ghost Face Rider in front of Sanlong Mountain.


hands, and fought with the overseas guards. Join forces to block the Ghost Face Rider in front of Sanlong Mountain.
The original advantage was no longer there, and the war reached a stalemate. Bukongtang bit his lower lip, his face serious. Just when he was about to say something to Li Che’er, he saw him suddenly shake off his cloak, and without saying a word, he jumped heavily and headed straight towards the gorge. The ghost-faced cavalry general outside the mouth pounced. Li Che’er specializes in martial arts. Martial arts practitioners are all about speed, strength, and skills. Therefore, the use of Tao power is particularly important. Every trace of Tao power is precious. Li Che’er rarely rides on clouds and flies in the wind. His body skills are based on jumping. As a master, he who is in the Xuantian realm can leap ten miles in one leap, and his figure is like a giant, extremely fast, and ethereal. An ordinary high-level Xuantian strong man can’t follow his trace even if he shoots his mind.
/Just as Bukongtang came to his senses, Li Che’er had already leapt into the sky above the ghost-faced general, descending steeply like a mountain ten thousand feet tall, carrying tens of millions of kilograms of power and bombarding the strong man. The strong man with the mask on his face did not panic at all, and calmly pulled the horse back. The horse seemed to be extremely spiritual. It stepped on Xuanbu, which coincided with Yin and Yang, and it was able to avoid Li Che’er’s blow. A punch as heavy as a mountain hit the ground, causing mud and rocks to fly. The mountain gorges on both sides could not help but tremble and sway. The power of the martial arts was not exhausted, and it spread out like water waves. The ghost-faced general did not move, but the red man in front of him The robed young general shouted low, urged his horse forward, raised his hand to form a seal, and turned it into a giant shield, blocking the power of martial arts in front of him.
If you want to capture an army, first kill its general.
But the general of the Evil Ghost Rider in the Qiongtian Realm is very powerful, and the young generals beside him are also highly skilled. This battle is destined to be a hard battle, maybe…
/With his mind in mind, Bukongtang put his hands on his back, and quietly pinched out A seal. He majored in the art of uniting troops in combat, and his cultivation level was slightly inferior to that of Li Che’er, but he was not far from Xuantian. If he tried his best, he could compete with the powerful Xuantian. All the power in his body was concentrated in the hand seals. When the red-robed young man looked back sideways, Bukongtang took a step and blasted out. Bukongtang wanted to train an army of tigers and wolves. The combat skills and techniques he created were derived from the idea of ??conquest. They were like thousands of troops rushing towards him, like tigers and wolves. Wandering bravely, the way of secretly joining the army formation, the first enemy will be caught off guard even if their cultivation

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