condensing weapons from within. Thrust outward.


condensing weapons from within. Thrust outward.
At first, Lin Xin didn’t pay much attention, thinking that he could survive it with his strong body and resilience, but now the clouds are endless.
It is still absorbing metal elements in the body continuously, and so far, four blades have been condensed and thrust out from the inside.
/He lowered his head and glanced at his chest. There was a fourth scar that had just grown there, lying there like a centipede.
“We must find a way to eradicate it. Otherwise, if it continues like this, my internal body will not be able to return to its original state, which will also have a great impact on the performance of my strength.” The movement of spiritual energy in the body was also messed up by the cohesion of Hua Yunyan. Even the restrained breath would be interrupted and confused from time to time.
However, injuries of this level have happened too many times in You Mansion, but now there are enemies chasing after him, so there is no time to deal with them.
He lay down among the pine needles and clearly felt a powerful aura slowly approaching here.
It is on the same level as the Tianyi Knife, but the wave frequency is slightly worse, and it is not as solid and thick as the Tianyi Knife.
“It seems that these three people are either real-life masters who are friends with the Tiandao sect, or they are planning to come and take advantage of the opportunity to seize the treasure.”
/Lin Xin concentrated and held his breath, restraining himself as much as possible.
At the same time, he glanced at his status covertly.
All attributes were temporarily reduced by a certain amount, obviously due to the impact of injuries. Especially physical fitness, actually dropped by a full 9 points.
Fortunately, the only consolation is that the protective aura is slowly recovering, and it has already recovered two levels. This has nothing to do with the physical state, it is caused by the natural absorption and condensation of spiritual energy from the outside world after reaching this level of cultivation.
“But the harvest is also very rich!”
Lin Xin’s eyes moved to the location of Guiyuan Jue.
Guiyuan Jue was originally only at the third level of foundation building, with a progress of 63%, but now it has directly become 89%, and it is still improving slowly. It is obviously the benefit brought by killing Tianyi Sword. You Mansion began to slowly improve its feedback.
“I don’t know how much I can improve. Unfortunately, if my body hadn’t been severely injured, I could only slowly accept the feedback from Youfu. I guess I have completed the improvement now.”
Lying among the branches of the tree, Lin Xin pushed aside a few pine needles in front of him, and started from Looking out through the gap.
An old man with a long beard flew over slowly from a distance, wearing a purple and gold Bagua robe, carrying a large bronze Bagua mirror on his back, and scanning the surroundings with his eyes.
Lin Xin couldn’t use Qilin at this time and had to wait for Inmanto to recove

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