divided into a hundred small teams and massacred in the streets and alleys without restraint.


divided into a hundred small teams and massacred in the streets and alleys without restraint.
From beginning to end, Seke never gave an order to separate. He had a strong feeling that if they separated, their situation would become more dangerous. He just wanted to get to the square as soon as possible and occupy the square.
Another trench!
Or a trench!
After climbing three trenches in succession, a thousand soldiers were already covered in mud and exhausted. It was incredible that trenches several meters deep appeared on the bluestone street where horses were galloping during the day.
When reaching the fourth trench, Sek suddenly realized that he had made a stupid mistake. He should not have launched the attack at night. This was Weijiaji, and even a three-year-old child was more familiar with it than they were. The topography of Weijiaji.
He could have swaggered into Weijiaji during the day, and there was no need to take risks in this frightening darkness.
“Retreat!” Seck is an excellent commander. He knows how to reflect and correct his mistakes. After he woke up, he immediately issued the order to retreat.
“Yes, General!”
A thousand soldiers began to retreat in an orderly manner, but it was too late.
First, one person shouted kill, followed closely by dozens, then hundreds. Thousands and tens of thousands of people shouted to kill together. The sound of killing was earth-shattering, and the earth collapsed. In the tide-like shouting of killing, stones, torches, lime, wooden spears, etc. were thrown from the dilapidated walls and ruins around them. There was even boiling water.
Everything that could hurt the enemy and cause damage to the human body fell like raindrops from both sides of the street.
/A thousand cavalrymen were already frightened out of their wits by tens of thousands of people shouting to kill. This sudden blow made them panic even more. As the saying goes, they were defeated like a mountain. A thousand soldiers fled for their lives. Those trenches made them flee. They were broken into a group, they pulled each other, trampled on each other, and the cries and screams were mixed together, as if the end was coming.
Sek desperately maintained order, and even killed two cavalrymen with a long knife, but he still couldn’t stop it. The cavalrymen fled for their lives like a tide.
Some brave Weijiaji residents rushed to the streets and struggled with the soldiers. In the darkness, they could not distinguish between friends and foes, and the scene became increasingly chaotic.
The crowds on the streets grew larger and larger, first hundreds, then thousands. The dense crowd formed a vast ocean, almost drowning a thousand gladiator cavalry.
Don’t chase the poor bandits!
Soon, the residents of Weijiaji fell from the joy of victory into a terrible nightmare. The five hundred gladiators and heavy armored cavalry who responded outside were like tigers rushing into the flock of sheep, slaughtering them wantonly. On the grassland, they were th

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