ng with your own hands.


ng with your own hands.
Staring at Gou Chen, Zi Wei waited for the answer that had troubled him for more than a hundred years.
No matter how much you love her, she is still just a woman. However, since she is his Ziwei’s woman, she belongs to him in this life and will never be taken away by others. This feeling is more like being robbed of your beloved treasure than being betrayed. For Zi Wei, it is a shame that he cannot tolerate even more than defeat.
What he wanted to know most was why the “treasure” would willingly go with someone else. When he got the answer, he would destroy the woman in front of him with his own hands.
The words fell and echoed in the quiet palace. The woman behind the curtain stared blankly at the moonlight at the end of the palace. Her charm, which brought disaster to the country and the people, faded a little with the elegant moonlight. After a long time, Gou Chen smiled inexplicably, turned his head, looked at Zi Wei and whispered.
“You want to know? I won’t tell you. Hahahaha…”
/The woman’s laughter echoed throughout the palace, with a hint of madness in her charm. Under the jade steps, Zi Wei’s face turned from white to red. From red to green.
Why have things developed to the point they are today?
“Then, let’s fight, husband.”
/Gou Chen was laughing hysterically. Although her expression was crazy, her eyes were as cold as the moon, just like when she and any of the giants of the Tiangong except Zi Wei were in Yun Yu.
She vaguely remembered that the first time she met Zi Wei, she was just a female fairy in Fuxiang Palace. She stood in front of the group and led the dance at the Peach Festival. She danced the Magic Girl Dance to the forty-nine tune for the first time, stunning the audience. . Gou Chen was already used to countless looks of admiration or greed, and he didn’t feel any discomfort. Instead, he felt a little complacent. She had been preparing hard for half a year, just to show off her charm at the Peach Festival and seduce those powerful immortals. Even if she could be a concubine, it would be better than being trapped in the muddy Fuxiang Palace.
Although the Fuxiang Hall has a nice name and lingers in the breeze, it is a famous place for Tiangong to harbor filth and evil. There are brothels and flower shops in the human world, and there is the Fuxiang Palace in the Heavenly Palace. Few of the fairies in the Fuxiang Palace can stay as virgins for hundreds of years, and Gouchen was a rare virgin at that time. Like other fairies who sacrificed their lives to save Hongwan, she was not pretending to be noble, but just wanted to keep her wealth so that she would be brought back to her home by a certain fairy in the future, so that she would not get bored after playing for a few days. You don’t have to use your lower body to please a man, there are many other ways. Gou Chen survived like this for hundreds of years, and finally waited for her peach conference to dance in the heaven.
She saw the expressions of the immortals and gods in her eyes, and was happy in

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