but was hit by the remaining force of Gang Qi. It scraped every inch of his body like a steel knife, causing burning pain. The seven Martial Kings and Martial Lords had the experience from the previous time. They no longer attacked Zhou Jijun from close quarters. Instead, they used Dharma and martial arts energy to attack Zhou Jijun from a distance. Their cultivation strength was already much higher than that of Zhou Jijun, and Fa Xiang possessed the power of the pinnacle of martial arts. Zhou Jijun fell into their battle circle and was exhausted, and gradually became exhausted.


but was hit by the remaining force of Gang Qi. It scraped every inch of his body like a steel knife, causing burning pain. The seven Martial Kings and Martial Lords had the experience from the previous time. They no longer attacked Zhou Jijun from close quarters. Instead, they used Dharma and martial arts energy to attack Zhou Jijun from a distance. Their cultivation strength was already much higher than that of Zhou Jijun, and Fa Xiang possessed the power of the pinnacle of martial arts. Zhou Jijun fell into their battle circle and was exhausted, and gradually became exhausted.
A cold snort sounded from not far away. Emperor Yu De sat upright on his chariot and looked at the figures of Yue Rakshasa and Samoni running and fighting from a distance, and waved his hand.
“Kuijiao Shenjun, go and bring Luo Qingyou and his daughter.”
“I obey the order!”
/Through the gap between the figures, the strange man with a single horn on his head swayed in the direction of Yue Rakshasa’s escape, Zhou Jijun A look of panic appeared on his face, and the next moment, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards Kuijiao Shenjun. White shadows flickered in front of his eyes, but the Xuan Dao Snake Man and the Martial Dao Snake Man were riding on their mounts. The Snake Man from the Wei Dao also climbed up and mounted Qingyu. The three snake men guarded Zhou Jijun and rushed towards Kuijiao a hundred feet away. God Lord.
Seeing that Zhou Jijun no longer dodges, the seven Martial King Wu Zun’s eyes flashed with joy, and they used Dharma’s Gang Qi to bombard Zhou Jijun from all sides. A huge force of nearly 10,000 kilograms hit Zhou Jijun and the three snake-men heavily, and blood blossomed. The three snake-men were crushed into powder by the huge force, and turned into white air and dispersed in the air. However, they were killed by the three snakes. The little Suanni took it in his mouth and hid in Zhou Jijun’s arms. Zhou Jijun, on the other hand, was bleeding from all his orifices. His arms were broken and he couldn’t exert any strength. His skin was torn and the ribs on his chest were all broken. Although he was forced to break through the encirclement, his body was completely covered with blood. His whole body was stained with blood and he was already dying.
“Are you here to die?” Emperor Yude sneered and looked at the young man who flew in front of him with only one breath and tried to stop Kuijiao Divine Lord. A cruel look came from the corner of his mouth, “Kuimu Divine Lord, you just Give him a ride.”
Kui Mu Shenjun replied with his fists clasped, stepping on the flowing wind to reach Zhou Jijun who was standing unsteadily and shaking in pain, sneered, and reached out to grab his neck.
The young man suddenly raised his head and stared at Emperor Yu De, his blood-stained eyes bursting with intense hatred, but in an instant, he was grabbed by the neck by Lord Kui Mu and raised high.
Emperor Yude narrowed his eyes and said calmly.
Kui Mu Shenjun raised his eyebrows and was about to exert force with his fingers.

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