ion. Not long after they disappeared, four young men dressed simply like farm boys walked out from the foothills of the suburbs. They entered Jicheng Mansion with their heads buried in the crowd, and disappeared after a while.


ion. Not long after they disappeared, four young men dressed simply like farm boys walked out from the foothills of the suburbs. They entered Jicheng Mansion with their heads buried in the crowd, and disappeared after a while.
Looking at Qi Linger with a confused face, Zhou Jijun’s heart moved.
“Ling’er, how many masters are there in this city and where are they distributed? Can you feel it?”
Qi Ling’er raised her little head, her fair and pink face was filled with brilliance, her eyes were flowing like water, and she chuckled. He stood up, then put his hands on his hips and said to Zhou Jijun with a serious face as if asking for credit.
“Reporting to Master, there are many people with strong auras in this city. There are four people at the gate of the city, seven people in a restaurant not far from the city, and many people with less powerful auras than Master are staying on the long street in the city. ”
Not as good as me?” Zhou Jijun frowned slightly, “So, the four people at the city gate and the seven people in the restaurant are of the same level as me?”
“No, no,” Qi Ling’er hooked on Zhou Jijun’s neck. With a small face, he said solemnly, “There is a person in that restaurant, and his aura is much stronger than yours, Master.”
Hearing this, a trace of gloom appeared on Zhou Jijun’s face, and suddenly, the Heavenly Order around his waist began to tremble. , soared out and appeared in front of Zhou Jijun.
“If you arrive at Mingliang Mansion, please go to the Xilin Inn in the city. Someone will meet you there.”
The beautiful small seal script flashed by, and Tian Xingling returned to its simplicity and silence, and returned to Zhou Jijun’s arms.
“What a coincidence, you knew it just after I arrived.” Zhou Jijun murmured, glancing around at the clones of Qian Ningchen and others with different expressions, and couldn’t help but sneered, “Do you think I am so stupid? You are a woman?” Can someone fool me around? It’s ridiculous that you can become a powerful man despite showing so many flaws.”
A flash of light flashed in Zhou Jijun’s eyes, and he walked without a trace in the blink of an eye . Then he stepped into Mingliang Mansion. He thought about it and saw that the four powerful Wuhou Tianpin masters hidden in the crowd at the city gate were following them cautiously, occasionally taking out the Tianxing Token and writing something on it. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the next moment, Zhou Jijun entered Xilin Inn with four clones.
/“Are you guests dining in the lobby or in the private room upstairs?” The waiter of the restaurant came up to him with a smile and greeted Zhou Jijun diligently.
“Take them all up to the second floor.”
An old voice came from upstairs. Zhou Jijun frowned slightly, but this voice sounded familiar. As the waiter walked upstairs, Zhou Jijun’s eyes fell on the old man in casual clothes. He was slightly startled, and then he laughed.
“Old sir, long time no see.” The person sitting at the head of the round table was the old man who followed t

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