op laughing and the snake man at his feet licking his lips and covered in blood made them tremble and their fighting spirit had long since disappeared. Go for the most part.


op laughing and the snake man at his feet licking his lips and covered in blood made them tremble and their fighting spirit had long since disappeared. Go for the most part.
At this moment, Tianxing Ling, which fell to the ground and became dimmed due to the death of General Yunzhou, suddenly started beating, and a faint halo rose from above. Zhou Jijun’s heart moved and he stretched out his hand to suck it in.
/Looking at the beautiful lines of small seal script, Zhou Jijun’s eyes flashed with anger, and his face was filled with gloom.
“I know that Yunzhou is about to die, and I would like to thank Young Master Jun for killing him. Young Master, there is no need to think too much. You are in Mingliang Mansion and there is only one way to go, which is to go through the five prefectures and six counties to reach the states. Huaqing Mansion, where Juzi is, is fighting against Master Luo for the position of Great Juzi. Except for me, General Yunzhou, the other six generals are coming here. Master, remember to be careful and bring Bailixiong here safely.
” It’s a game within a game, a plan within a plan! I tried every possible means, but unexpectedly I fell into the trap of the rich lady from Yunzhou and became her murderous son.
Zhou Jijun’s gaze passed through the nervous Skywalkers on the opposite side, and endless murderous intent surged from the bottom of his heart.
She used my hands to kill General Yunzhou and informed me of Skywalker’s plan. What exactly was she planning? Could it be that she is also coveting the position of the powerful son and wants me to go to Huaqing Mansion to fight Luo Jishang, and then both of us will lose to her to gain the advantage? Even if she had such ambitions, how could she suppress the Qizhou Skywalker’s rebound, or maybe there was still a backhand piece that had not yet been revealed. It seems that only by arriving at Huaqing Mansion can all the mysteries be solved. Fortunately, Bailixiong has rushed to the Chamber of Commerce under the protection of Rakshasa and the others, but she and the Skywalkers never expected that I would be the one involved in this situation in Yangzhou. The only move is to make the first move.
The deceitful chessboard suddenly floated in the sea of ??thoughts and rivers in the sky within the body, and the situation that was gradually breaking down was covered with a light mist. The deceitful snake man sat in the position of Tianyuan, and the deceitful way could not help but blast towards the chessboard. From all directions, the dead souls engraved on the chessboard are also attacking the Yangzhou game under the command of the Snake Man. The gray mist hovers over the chessboard, like a huge maze, unpredictable and unpredictable.
Numerous thoughts surged out of the vast sea of ??thoughts. There were calm water lines floating in Zhou Jijun’s eyes, and his mind was ups and downs.
Four days, this situation in Yangzhou must be resolved within four days. Only after sending Bailixiong out of Yangzhou can he return to the capital to participate in

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