ught settled, Klein felt completely refreshed. His thoughts were extremely active, and he soon had a preliminary plan:


“There is no rush to ask Miss Magician’s teacher about the ‘Planeswalker’ potion formula and the corresponding ‘0’ level sealed object. This will scare the Abraham family and make them wonder if Miss Magician worships something. Evil God, have you joined some bad organization…
“Given their current state, there is a high probability that they will not reply to the letter, will change their identity, move their residence, or directly cut off contact…
“Well, the head of the ‘Secret Saint’ Botis is a very good gift. Regardless of whether the Abraham family gives it to the ‘Star Worm’ or not, this matter has to be put on the schedule… I hope Miss Justice will do it as soon as possible. After digesting the ‘Dream Walker’ potion, I hope Ms. ‘Hermit’ is ready, and I also hope that Ms. ‘Magician’ and ‘Judgement’ can improve before taking action…
“By the way, according to Miss Magician, ‘Saint of Secrets’ Botis is a defector from the Abraham family, and the Aurora Society has a ‘0’ level sealed artifact of the ‘Apprentice’ path. This is It’s a bit interesting… Maybe you don’t necessarily need to contact the Abraham family. You might be able to get what you want from the ‘Secret Saint’ Botis. Well, you have to remind Ms. ‘Hermit’ that Botis may carry it at some point. There are ‘0’ level sealed objects, so you must confirm before taking action…
/“If the ‘0’ level sealed object is not in the hands of the ‘Saint of Secrets’, if you want to get it, you may have to face the ‘Angel of Destiny’ Ouroleus… No, the ‘0’ level sealed object itself is terrifying. , is one of the sources of danger…
“Huh, now let’s wait for Miss Magician’s teacher to reply and see if the Abraham family is sensitive to the ‘Star Worm’ matter…”
Thinking of this, Klein suddenly felt a little self-deprecating. He felt that he and Aurora were too much like destined enemies, and there would always be various intersections:
“When this operation begins, the Aurora Society’s heart will definitely cry:
“Why you again? Why us again?”
After exhaling, Klein gathered his thoughts, manifested the “World” Gehrman Sparrow, and replied to the “Magician” lady who reported the answer.
Then, the dummy “World” prayed again, asking Mr. Fool to forward his request to Daniz.
On an island in the Misty Sea, Daniz was waiting for the “Golden Dream” to pick him up, and glanced sideways at Anderson, and said with a smile:
“I’m going to summon Gehrman Sparrow’s messenger.”
Anderson raised his eyebrows and said with a “tsk”:
“You are now qualified to take the ‘Conspirator’ potion.”
“You made it too obvious. Even I could tell that you were afraid of the messenger.” Daniz became more and more proud and said modestly.
Anderson suddenly laughed and said:
“Why don’t you suspect that my fear is intentional? It’s just to find a reasonable excuse to avoid it, so as not to hear things you shouldn’t hear.”
“…Shit, do you think I will believe t

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