ecretly breathed a sigh of relief and said:


Putting aside their doubts for the time being, the Silver City exploration team continued to go down the huge stairs filled with dusk light, one level after another.
/Suddenly, everyone heard a muffled groan.
Derrick Berg saw from the corner of his eye that Joshua raised his hands and pinched his own neck tightly.
Because he was the “Dawn Knight” and was extremely powerful, as soon as he let out a muffled groan, his hands cracked and broke his neck bones.
Joshua fell down with a gloomy and twisted expression, his eyes full of disbelief:
The one who killed him was actually himself!
“…” Although Derrick and others failed to react in time to what happened, their long-term training and experience in exploring the depths of darkness allowed them to instinctively form a battle formation and be wary of what might follow. attack.
Then, they heard another groan.
This comes from “Shepherd” Elder Lovia.
There was a lady with long silver-gray hair. Her facial muscles tightened, and she showed obvious twitching and squirming, as if she was growing another face.
She knelt down on the wide steps with a thud, her pain palpable.
Her hands slowly but uncontrollably rose up and pinched her neck.
Just when Lovia was about to exert her strength, two straight swords coated with silver-grey ointment stretched out and spread her palms apart.
“Demon Hunter” Colin, who was prepared, responded in time.
Lovia’s whole body twitched, her head buried lower, her mouth opened, and spit out pieces of broken flesh and incomplete organs.
She exhaled and seemed to have finally recovered. Then she leaned on her elbows and crawled forward. She swallowed the flesh and blood organs she had just spat out piece by piece, piously and humbly.
“Demon Hunter” Colin, who had several old scars on his face, watched this scene quietly without stopping.
Finally, Lovia raised her head and said with unfocused gray eyes:
“It’s depravity.
/“It’s a fall that happens to everyone.”
“Do you have a solution?” Colin asked without changing his tone.
Lovia nodded without hesitation and said:
As soon as she finished speaking, she held the index finger of her left hand with her right hand, snapped it off, pulled it out forcefully, stuffed it into her mouth with blood and bones, chewed and muttered in a low voice:
“The Lord who created all;
“The Lord behind the curtain of shadow;
“The fallen nature of all living things…”
The honorable name of the “True Creator”… Derrick’s eyelids jumped when he heard it, and he suddenly felt that something subtle had changed around him.
The orange-red dusk light became a little richer, closer to the color of blood.
Above the gray fog, “The Fool” Klein’s expression instantly became solemn.
Although he saw nothing through his “real vision”, he could vaguely detect a gaze coming from a distant place, which interfered with his own observation, resulting in a weakening of the clarity and range.
In addition, that gaze gave Klein a strange sense of familiarity.

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