ing to sever ties with 507, Ba Xiao Shan, do you really not understand or do you pretend not to understand? Why did Mr. Sha not only send people to teach you and your friends, but also provide you with various conveniences? You are considered to be the most likely person to inherit his mantle and become the next director of Institute 507. But since the Ling family incident a few years ago, you have taken the opportunity to cut off the relationship with our Institute 507. Since you have no intention. If you become Mr. Sha’s successor, Mr. Sha will not waste more resources on you. If you can’t help Institute 507, then Institute 507 will not help you, Xiaoshan, don’t you understand this?” Uncle Jia told a very cruel fact, but every word and every sentence was the truth.


ing to sever ties with 507, Ba Xiao Shan, do you really not understand or do you pretend not to understand? Why did Mr. Sha not only send people to teach you and your friends, but also provide you with various conveniences? You are considered to be the most likely person to inherit his mantle and become the next director of Institute 507. But since the Ling family incident a few years ago, you have taken the opportunity to cut off the relationship with our Institute 507. Since you have no intention. If you become Mr. Sha’s successor, Mr. Sha will not waste more resources on you. If you can’t help Institute 507, then Institute 507 will not help you, Xiaoshan, don’t you understand this?” Uncle Jia told a very cruel fact, but every word and every sentence was the truth.
/“Does that mean you have withdrawn your ‘care’ for me?” I especially emphasized the word “care”.
“Of course. This is not the whole reason. The other reason is that you have provoked someone you shouldn’t have provoked this time. The Ling family is not a high mountain in front of us at 507, and it is not taken seriously by us. But Haotian The family has a great business and a profound foundation. As the largest supernatural family in the world today, their water is too deep. You should not get involved from the beginning.” Uncle Jia paused here and then continued, “I’m not afraid to tell you that late at night a few days ago, Mr. Sha received a mysterious phone call. After answering the phone, he ordered to withdraw all care for you. As far as I know, this call came from the ancestor of the Haotian family himself. Called. I don’t know what we talked about specifically, but even our 507 institute has to be polite to the Haotian family. There are experts above them.”
I fell silent again, and Uncle Jia sighed repeatedly, and finally said : “But things are not without improvement. If you want to be taken care of by us, call Mr. Sha personally. I will give you the phone number. It is his personal direct line.”
It would be a lie to say that I have no regrets. The development of the situation The situation became more and more serious, and the Haotian family began to show its terrifying power. I felt like I was being targeted by a huge monster. Even in a head-on conflict, they don’t have any advantage yet. But it can be seen from the feedback from various forces that no one in the world wants to provoke this monster.
Mr. Tang ignored me and the 507 Institute withdrew its help from me. My family and friends were all kidnapped and turned into hostages. Being surrounded on all sides, I feel that the huge claws of the Haotian family are tightening little by little, and it is getting harder and harder for me to escape.
Uncle A gave me Mr. Sha’s direct line, but I didn’t call him directly. I was afraid that Mr. Sha would make demands on me, and I knew he would definitely make demands on me. Even I knew what this request was, and it was the last
/night I was willing to accept it, because I had not yet made a decision. Everyone decided to stay in the

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