us not to investigate the matter. They were very sorry about the Luoqiong incident. I didn’t want to do it at the time, but I wanted to do it, but it turned out The man flashed his cover, and there were several big money masters behind them, saying that the police would take care of the people’s affairs and asked me not to interfere. Don’t get involved again. So I finally pulled out.” The fat man must have concealed the reason for his withdrawal, but I didn’t press him and held the tea cup in his hand without saying a word.


us not to investigate the matter. They were very sorry about the Luoqiong incident. I didn’t want to do it at the time, but I wanted to do it, but it turned out The man flashed his cover, and there were several big money masters behind them, saying that the police would take care of the people’s affairs and asked me not to interfere. Don’t get involved again. So I finally pulled out.” The fat man must have concealed the reason for his withdrawal, but I didn’t press him and held the tea cup in his hand without saying a word.
Yuan Feng and Fatty both looked at me worriedly. After a while, I stood up and asked, “Where is Yudie now?”
/“Shanzi, forget it. The financial backers over there are very well-connected. We ordinary people can’t mess with them. “The fat man is the one who started this matter and asked me not to get involved.”
“You have children and a wife and you have to think about your family. I understand, but I am still alone. Now someone is deliberately cheating on my brother. He has dragged my brother into a situation of no return. I have to avenge this revenge!”
Full of anger, even that The person used to be the person I loved, but if it was her and the people behind her who caused Luo Qiong to fall into the abyss. I want to pull them down too!
Yuan Feng wanted to persuade me a few words, but the fat man waved his hand to signal her not to speak. Then he took out a business card and gave it to me and said, “This is what Yudie gave me last time. She is now the manager of a certain company.” ”
I picked up the business card and turned around and left Fatty’s house with my clothes. In the dark night, I walked to the public phone booth and dialed the mobile phone number on the business card. Soon Yudie’s voice came from inside. Although it sounded strange over the phone, it was still familiar.
“Who?” Yudie asked in a tired voice.
“It’s me.” I said, “Ba Xiaoshan.”
Yudie was obviously stunned, and then said: “How come you have my phone number?”
“Don’t worry about this. I want to meet you, now. Give me a Address,” I said.
“You and I have nothing to do with each other, and there is no need to meet. If there is nothing else, I will hang up.” Yudie’s attitude was cold. As he was about to hang up the phone, he heard me say: “It’s okay if you don’t want to meet me. Tell the person behind you to come see me at Sanfu Tea House tomorrow morning. If you don’t come, I will come to your door.” At that time, it will not be as simple as having a cup of tea and talking. ”
“Ba Xiaoshan, what do you want to do? I have already apologized to the fat man about Luo Qiong. This is a mistake on the part of the sponsor. Luo Qiong is recovering from drug addiction. All the expenses are borne by the sponsor, so what else? “She obviously knew that I came here because of Luo Qiong’s affairs.
“Just bring my words to them. It’s up to you to come tomorrow or not. Finally, please convey one more message to me: don’t think that the funder is great, and don’t force me to kill people.” After saying that, I hung up the phon

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