body, but I can’t show it to you because This guy wants to kill people as soon as he takes it out of the scabbard. I can still completely control it in the scabbard. But when it comes out of the scabbard, it becomes a wild horse. Sometimes I can’t even control it.”


body, but I can’t show it to you because This guy wants to kill people as soon as he takes it out of the scabbard. I can still completely control it in the scabbard. But when it comes out of the scabbard, it becomes a wild horse. Sometimes I can’t even control it.”
You can tell from Shi Qing’s expression. , he is very fond of this “old guy” who has followed him for so many years. Therefore, during the conversation, his eyes were full of trust and appreciation.
“It’s a good sword!” I took a sip of wine and praised it sincerely.
“Brother!” Shi Lian felt that Shi Qing was a little out of sorts, and she frowned and muttered dissatisfiedly. “Don’t just take out the red tiger! What are you doing!”
“Okay, I’ll listen to you, hey.” Shi Qing was lost in interest, but he didn’t get angry at his sister. It was obvious that he doted on his little sister, so he put the red tiger back into the wooden box and re-sealed it.
“Haha, you’ve already seen my sword. Show me yours too.” He turned around, and I was thinking about how to win him over to help me, and together we could kill the big demon in Sanya Lake, Rubbing. Jin Ye and the others were so energetic that they never thought that he would actually make a strange request.
“My sword? How did you know I was carrying a sword?” I asked strangely.
“Then how could you not know? Aren’t you carrying a big suitcase? I’ve seen it all,” he said, pointing to the wooden suitcase next to my luggage. “I have been dealing with swords for more than 20 years. I am very familiar with it. You must have a sword on your body, and it is a good sword. In my life, there are two things that I particularly like. One is wine. I am addicted to wine. One day I feel bad if I don’t drink. I haven’t had any wine today. But I can smell it as soon as you unscrew the bottle cap. Even if you don’t come over, I will go over and ask for a drink. The other thing is swords. I’ve seen a lot of good swords, but I can’t get enough of them. But to be honest, there aren’t many swords that I like, and there are even fewer swords that are better than Red Tiger.”
He also didn’t forget to praise his “old partner.”
“My one is not as good as the red tiger, so I won’t show off, haha.” I had no intention of taking out the broken sword, and I really felt that the broken sword did not have the spirituality of the red tiger, so it should not be as good as the red tiger, so I politely said Refused.
“Don’t, you’ve already seen Red Tiger, you should let me see you. Don’t be stingy. We are all people walking around in the world. We have a good reputation and we have to go on the road, right?” But he refused to give up. .
/I smiled awkwardly. I had to stand up and walk over to take the wooden box. Shi Qing immediately came over to look at it carefully and whispered: “The box is really nice. This box contains swords.” It’s the best insurance. The box you have is of good quality and the workmanship is excellent. The key is that the talisman sealed on it is not simple. It was produced in Yuanshui Cave of Longhu Mount

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