Onmyoji know that we were here? Secondly, why didn’t they come when we were fighting, but they happened to be after we finished the fight? It doesn’t make any sense that someone from the Abe family showed up. Thirdly, why didn’t the Ashiya family’s bodyguards come to check? There was so much fighting in the alley, but why didn’t any residents around come to check? The interception may have an ulterior secret. “


Onmyoji know that we were here? Secondly, why didn’t they come when we were fighting, but they happened to be after we finished the fight? It doesn’t make any sense that someone from the Abe family showed up. Thirdly, why didn’t the Ashiya family’s bodyguards come to check? There was so much fighting in the alley, but why didn’t any residents around come to check? The interception may have an ulterior secret. ”
I know I didn’t think too much. Years of experience in the world tell me that there are no accidents in the world. Things you think are accidental may be arranged by others.
“Don’t think about this, go back and have a good rest. No matter who wants to deal with us, they will not be able to take advantage of it in the end.”
After this incident until the few days before the tripartite talks, I never saw Yoshiko Ashiya again, and neither did Gunto No news from her. Until the day we agreed to meet again. Former Riyuro and I went to the Japanese food store where we met before, and this time I gave an answer to the two major Onmyoji families.
After sitting down, I looked at Yoshiko Ashiya. I must be present this time, because this girl is not used to kneeling and sitting, so her body swayed slightly after a long time. On the other hand, Abe Unzan was also obedient. He plugged up the holes in his ears and nose, and came to see me with a clean haircut. It can be seen that people on both sides are more sincere this time.
/After we sat down, it was the old man from the Abe family who spoke first. Last time, I was wondering why the Ashiya family didn’t speak. After that, I asked Mae Riyuro about it. There are historical reasons for this. Back then, Abe Seimei and Ashiya Michitoshi fought against each other, and Ashiya Michitoshi lost in the end, which means that the Ashiya family has been losing to the Abe family since the Heian period. In the Japanese Onmyoji system, although they are all big families, the Ashiya family When meeting with the Abe family, they usually let the Abe family speak first. This is the sequelae of Ashiya Michimi’s defeat back then.
“They said that there was another murder in the park the day before yesterday. When the police arrived, it was already too late.” Former Riyuro whispered.
“Oh? Then tell them, are there any conditions to be added to the last million dollars? By the way, tell them again that I will not accept the marriage.” I asked the former Riyuro to convey my words, and the Abe family still Okay, but the Ashiya family had expressions of disbelief. Apparently, the Ashiya family felt that it was incomprehensible for me not to accept the marriage.
“They said they wanted to discuss it in private. Please stay away for a while.”
Former Riyuro and I left the room and stayed outside for about ten minutes before returning to the room again. They gave me new conditions and allowed me to enter the Amaterasu temple in Takamagahara to meditate.
This condition seems ordinary. But it’s actually much better than getting married!
Amaterasu is the most important god in the Japan

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