in her prime. When he returned home, he discovered that his daughter had hanged herself and was out of breath. The matter was later dealt with internally, and it is incredible that those people were punished but not held legally responsible. But the times are special, and the methods of handling them are also special.


in her prime. When he returned home, he discovered that his daughter had hanged herself and was out of breath. The matter was later dealt with internally, and it is incredible that those people were punished but not held legally responsible. But the times are special, and the methods of handling them are also special.
“What about the Japanese?”
I asked hurriedly.
“Then no one knows, but some people say that this Japanese man actually knows magic, but he is very kind and has never used it. His daughter has been trapped in this school since her death, so the rooftop of our school was sealed. , because there is a small cubicle on the rooftop, which is where the Japanese father and daughter lived in the past, and the soul of his daughter is still trapped in it and cannot escape. But I didn’t come to school until after this happened. I don’t know if it’s true or not. “It’s clear, I haven’t been in the cubicle either. The rooftop has been closed for so long and was only opened a few days ago to save people.”
This story from the guard aroused my suspicion that Teacher Wang entered without opening the lock. It was not something she could do. It must have been done by the ghost that possessed her at that time. That ghost is so powerful and his resentment is so strong, he must have a lot of background. It is very likely that she is the wronged Japanese or his daughter.
In other words, if you open the rooftop and take a look at the compartment, you may be able to reveal the answer to the mystery!
“Thank you, uncle. It’s getting late today. I’m going back first. It’s raining heavily.”
I smiled and pushed open the door and rushed out. When I looked back, I didn’t know if I was dazzled. There was a pink petal on the ground in the back room of the concierge.
When she returned to Mr. Xu’s house, Shen Mengtian was talking to Fatty and the others. I asked Fatty and the others to ask Senior Han for advice, and it seemed to have worked.
/“How’s it going? What did Senior Han say?”
I asked.
“Senior Han said, your guess is half right.”
The fat man’s words made me a little confused. It’s right, so why is there such a thing as half right?
“What do you mean half right? What’s wrong?”
/I asked in confusion.
“Senior Han said that your idea about the Onmyoji was right. He also thought that this should be some Japanese spell. But he said that the Onmyoji was not dead.”
I was stunned by these words. How many years has it been since you thought that Onmyoji must be dead? Even if he was 18 years old when he came to China in 1937 to take the special higher education course, he would still be at least close to 80 years old today, having experienced so many years of war. Can he still be alive? This probability is too small.
“Even if he is alive, why would he come to harm these children? An eighty-year-old Japanese in China must be known to the neighbors. But now we have investigated and found that there are no Japanese nearby. This doesn’t make sense.”
I He shook his head and said.
“Senior Han said that this metho

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