ked out holding a box covered with red cloth. Many people had already stood up, looking towards the red cloth, and curious speculations could be heard. The fat man also frowned slightly, obviously not knowing what Mr. Tang was planning to do.


ked out holding a box covered with red cloth. Many people had already stood up, looking towards the red cloth, and curious speculations could be heard. The fat man also frowned slightly, obviously not knowing what Mr. Tang was planning to do.
At this time, the master of ceremonies walked to the edge of the red cloth, looked up at Mr. Tang sitting on the high platform above, and saw Mr. Tang nodded in agreement. He pressed his hand on the red cloth, then gently pulled it, and the silk-textured red cloth slowly slid to the ground. A Japanese samurai sword placed on the shelf appeared in front of everyone.
“Isn’t this a Japanese sword? Is it a treasure?”
/What is Mr. Tang’s identity? How could it be an ordinary thing? At that moment, everyone began to speculate about the origin of the samurai sword in front of them. And at the moment this samurai sword appeared in front of everyone. Jun Yan, who was sitting in the VIP room, suddenly stood up, stared at the samurai sword and shouted in a low voice: “Seven Kills Ghost Sword?”
At this time, the emcee said: “This is a famous Japanese sword, and the name of the sword is Seven Kills. It is known as Seven Kills. With the power of ghosts and gods, it was found by Mr. Tang some time ago and kept in the treasure house. Now it is taken out to open the eyes of all the heroes!”
After that, someone pushed two large cages with a height of three meters. When we got on stage, the iron cage was covered with black cloth, but the bottom was equipped with pulleys. Even so, the cage seemed to be very heavy, and it was difficult for several big men to push it. Moreover, the cage under the black cloth kept making banging noises, as if something was locked in the cage. And accompanied by a low roar, it came from the cage from time to time.
“What’s locked inside?” Everyone started talking again, somewhat confused about the situation in front of them.
At this time, the emcee and staff had already stepped off the stage, leaving only the Seven Kills Ghost Sword and two cages covered with black cloth on the high stage. The emcee who got off the high platform immediately said: “Open the dragon and phoenix barrier!”
The person next to him immediately cast a spell, and the entire arena was soon covered by a layer of light that could be vaguely distinguished by the naked eye, and the barrier had been formed.
/“Don’t be confused, the answer will be revealed soon. Open the cage!” As soon as the master of ceremonies said this, the staff around him immediately controlled the iron door of the cage. Only a “click” was heard, and the iron door of the cage bounced open. At the same time, the black cloth also shook down. Inside the cage door, there were two earth-shaking roars, and at the same time, two huge figures rushed out of the cage, hitting the barrier and being blocked by the barrier.
Only then did everyone see clearly what was in the cage. It was two thick arms. Kong Wuli’s skin was glowing blue,and he looked like a stone-man-like monster.
“Stone Demon!” The fat man saw t

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