e the written laws have mystical significance.” Pasha expressed her guess.


Roy immediately agreed:
“Besides, I suspect that those laws must be announced to be effective. If we can find an opportunity to tear up those two pieces of paper, the corresponding restrictions may disappear.”
After listening to Roy’s words, Pasha, Phil and Byers fell silent at the same time.
After a few seconds, Phil’s face muscles twitched and he said:
“Give it a try! If you are trapped in the city, even if you are not caught by the citizens, you may still be punished by law for various reasons.”
Although they are all Extraordinaries, they are not of high rank. It is not a problem to deal with a few ordinary people, but it will be extremely dangerous to face the hostility of the whole city.
Roy, Byers and Pasha were all people who had been on the battlefield to one degree or another. They knew that hesitation at this time was the most undesirable behavior, so they made decisions one after another and agreed to Phil’s proposal.
Under the guidance of the relatively experienced “Hunter” Pasha, a group of four people circled most of the circle and sneaked back to the Municipal Square from another street.
/At this time, the citizens who were watching the announcement were no longer here, and they seemed to be searching for outsiders throughout the city.
After looking at the notice board standing quietly in the middle of the two gas street lamps, Roy and others approached cautiously, ready to escape at any time.
After approaching the target, Roy suddenly thought of a question and asked in a low voice:
“Is it an offense to destroy the proclamation?”
“Theoretically…” Pasha said in a daze.
“8 Vandalism;
“It really does.” Biles blurted out.
Phil’s face, which was already pale due to blood loss, turned a little pale, and he thought for a while and said:
“What are the penalties for vandalism?”
This is a less serious offense and the corresponding penalties are likely to be lighter.
If this is the case, Phil plans to take a certain risk and tear down the announcement to end this terrible and weird thing.
“The first offense is whipping.” Just as Roy, Pasha and Byers were thinking about the answer, a voice came from behind them.
The four people turned around in shock and saw an ordinary-looking young man wearing a black robe and a top hat.
The man continued:
“If you do it again, your hand will be cut off.
“I don’t know what a recidivist is.”
“Why do you know?” Roy asked with a frown while holding the hidden dagger vigilantly.
The young man smiled and said:
“I tried that and that had no effect and the announcement will be back soon.”
“So, you were whipped?” Pasha asked suddenly.
“Yes.” The young man nodded with a relaxed expression, “However, because I also committed fraud at the same time, I was later punished by having my hand cut off.”
“Fraud?” Byers asked somewhat incomprehensibly.
The young man smiled and replied:
“To put it simply, I didn’t destroy the announcement myself, but brought a dummy t

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