it’s likely to get a slap! “


Hudson said deliberately teasingly.
It was an agreement between Hudson and the cub to give each other face in front of outsiders and discuss serious matters in private.
As if she was frightened, Isabel closed her beautiful eyes and showed a frightened expression, which made everyone feel more and more pity for her.
After hesitating for a moment, he patted his chest and said, “Thank you, Mr. Hudson, for reminding me. I’m afraid that only a knight as powerful as you is worthy of the great Mr. Bear Stearns.”
Praise, naked flattery.
The Hudson with the bear is indeed very powerful, but without the Warcraft, Hudson is just an ordinary talented boy.
Among his peers, he is considered outstanding, but it has nothing to do with being powerful.
He was also being complimented, but when the words came from the mouth of a delicate beauty, the feeling was different.
But for some reason, Hudson always felt that the woman in front of him was deliberately attracting his attention.
Before Hudson could figure it out, Isabel quickly turned around and gave a slight salute to the nobles: “Thank you, Lord Knights, for your rescue, allowing me and other sisters to save their lives.
This is a smart woman.
It was clearly attracting Hudson’s attention, but he never ignored everyone, as if he was just curious about the bear of the earth.
As long as there are many men, beautiful women will always get preferential treatment.
Even if Isabel’s cover-up just now was not perfect, everyone was still willing to make up their own minds and complete the lie for her.
Save people to the end and ferry them to the shore.
The important task of escorting the Rainbow Moon Diva Group to the Royal Capital naturally fell on everyone’s shoulders.
It’s too much of a coincidence that the destinations happen to be the same. Hudson’s originally suppressed vigilance was raised again.
With the addition of a group of charming ladies traveling together, the joy along the way has increased a lot.
In front of women, men always like to show their charming side, especially in front of beautiful women.
Seeing a group of nobles surrounding a group of singers and showing their hospitality, Hudson silently chose to be a crowd-pleaser.
It’s easy to have a one-night romance, but the price is too cruel. It doesn’t matter that there are a bunch of married nobles, they are just having fun anyway, and there is no harm in adding a romantic affair.
/As a single aristocrat, Hudson could not follow suit. It would be embarrassing if the gun went off and someone was chasing you to take responsibility.
It’s not like things like this have never happened. In order to marry into a rich family, it is normal to use some tricks.
Although the probability of success is low, there are still successful cases. Minor aristocrats and married aristocrats are not the targets of singers, but that is not necessarily true for those who go higher up.
This can be seen from their different attitudes towards everyone. It’s a pity that a guy with a spermatozoa br

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