hemy circle, everything seemed to be twisted at will. A mountain peak of several hundred meters in the distance was stretched into a long twisted line, and the flat ground seemed to be twisted by a naughty figure. The child scrunched it up into an abstract shape.


hemy circle, everything seemed to be twisted at will. A mountain peak of several hundred meters in the distance was stretched into a long twisted line, and the flat ground seemed to be twisted by a naughty figure. The child scrunched it up into an abstract shape.
Daryl was slightly startled, and instantly understood that it was not that the outside was being distorted, but that the space here had been distorted, and the terrifying heat was rising rapidly at an incredible speed.
But now he wanted to dodge, but it was already too late. The time when the alchemy circle was activated was almost exactly the same as the moment when his attack fell, and it was even stuck in the moment before his attack fell.
This was doomed, he couldn’t stop the alchemy circle from starting, and he couldn’t dodge it either.
Daryl sneered. Since there is no way to dodge, let’s destroy this alchemy circle by force.
Daryl held the tail end of the lightning staff with both hands and drew it hard against the ground. There was a loud
, and a crack more than one meter wide spread rapidly forward. In an instant, a huge crack more than a hundred meters long appeared on the ground. A small hill more than a hundred meters away was like It was as if he had suffered a terrible shock.
Dense cracks appeared on the mountain. With an explosion, the entire mountain split into two halves. The huge fragment, which was three to four meters in size, was like a weightless fallen leaf. As the mountain exploded, everything Flying into the sky.
The ground where Daryl was sitting was like broken porcelain, all broken into gravels no more than half a meter in size.
This terrifying blow completely shattered even the earth supported by the alchemy circle. All the runes collapsed, and so did those complex golden-red patterns.
But the next moment, before Daryl had time to be proud, a huge fire pillar with a thickness of more than ten meters spurted out from the ground. The golden-red flames were like a tornado. As it erupted, it instantly spun up and swept away. Daryl wraps up in the center.
The fire pillar spurted out two to three hundred meters high, and the poisonous mist surrounding it was forcibly dispersed in an instant. Inside the rotating flame pillar, one could still see the flashes of lightning, and the rumbling thunder sounded in succession.
Lin Yun sneered. Daryl’s speed was indeed fast. If an impact broke out, even he would not be able to see the trajectory clearly.
However, there is no need to see this process at all, it is enough to know the starting point and end point of Daryl’s attack.
Does this idiot still think it is an alchemy circle?
/Wrong, that is a summoning circle, a spell, a circle that summons hellfire. Strictly speaking, this kind of circle does not need a carrier at all, but when there is a carrier, the hellfire spewed out lasts for a long time. It will just be longer.
But if the summoning circle is destroyed after the summoning circle is completed, there will only be one result. The summoning time of Hell

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