oked at each other and glared at each other. They are both level 15 players. If they fight, both sides will lose. Maybe other groups will take advantage of them. .


oked at each other and glared at each other. They are both level 15 players. If they fight, both sides will lose. Maybe other groups will take advantage of them. .
At this moment, the air pressure in the isolation cabin reached the same level as the air pressure in the spacecraft, and the inner hatch automatically unlocked and opened.
There is a hall inside, which is very large and so dark that it is difficult to see clearly.
“Hey! You two, go ahead and explore the way.” Pusheng Monkey no longer faced Zhao Yu face to face. He came over and pushed Anna behind her. Anna was staggered by the push and almost fell to the ground. on the ground.
Liu Qian couldn’t help but became furious. After throwing a mental shock, he flew up and kicked the Pu Sheng Monkey. The Pu Sheng Monkey was already level 15. The effect of Liu Gan’s mental shock on him was very limited, and he was only in a trance for a moment. , but was still kicked by Liu Gan’s iron legs and feet. He flew straight out and hit the opposite bulkhead before falling down in embarrassment.
Although Pusheng Monkey was not injured, he was kicked away by a level 10 player in a sneak attack. He was very unhappy. Just when he was considering whether to kill the cannon fodder on the spot to save face, Liu Qian But with a flip of his hands, a lightning bolt of death struck from the center of the Pusheng Monkey’s head. It destroyed and smashed the Pusheng Monkey’s space suit and at the same time emptied one-third of the fog armor outside his body!
Pusheng Monkey couldn’t help but be a little confused. It’s not surprising that level 15 players attack each other, especially the fog armor whose supernatural attack can drain one-third of the opponent’s energy. But now the one attacking him is a level 10 player! Cannon fodder in his opinion!
“Go to hell!”
/Liu Qian was not ready to stop after this blow. When he launched a verbal attack on the Pu Sheng Monkey, more than a hundred fireballs condensed around him and rained down on the Pu Sheng Monkey. The fireballs At the end of the rain, there was a blue fireball mixed in.
After being scolded by Liu Gan, the Pusheng Monkey felt inexplicably agitated, but for just a moment, Liu Gan’s hundreds of fireballs and the blue fireball hit him one after another, ‘Boom ! There was a loud bang, and the Pusheng Monkey, who had just climbed up from the ground, was blown out again. He crashed into the bulkhead on the other side in an awkward manner and then fell to the ground of the isolation cabin.
The fog armor outside his body has been nearly half drained!
/“You! You! You!”
Pu Sheng Monkey looked at Liu Gan in great horror. He really couldn’t believe that this round of attacks just now was actually launched by this level 10 player who he considered cannon fodder. If he continues like this, , if he underestimates the enemy and doesn’t take it seriously, he will be in big trouble!
“Are you not convinced?” Liu Gan looked at the Pusheng Monkey coldly, the effect of the verbal confrontation was still continuing, and

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