im. But Fan Zhen cannot be found, especially not by you, let alone let him.” Qian Yelong will see him, otherwise something big will happen.”


im. But Fan Zhen cannot be found, especially not by you, let alone let him.” Qian Yelong will see him, otherwise something big will happen.”
Hearing him say this, I exclaimed: “What?”
Zeng Yipu said: “Now you are controlled by Mr. Yin, and Zhang Ziang is also controlled by him. You two Individuals are constraining each other. Mr. Yin has two cards to use when it comes to Fan Zhen. Moreover, both you and Zhang Ziang can find Fan Zhen. But you may not know that Fan Zhen is hiding. The person is not your minister, but Mr. Yin.
I didn’t feel anything the first time, but after meeting Zeng Yipu this time, I found that I can make a lot of progress every time I come into contact with him, and more importantly Yes, every word he said seemed to have a profound meaning. And they all had meanings, especially at the end when he suddenly mentioned Fan Zhen to me. At first I thought it was just a warning he gave me, but until After I got home, I saw Qian Yelong blocking the door and realized that he had already realized something when he said these words, and he was already reminding me.
So when I saw Qian Yelong appearing at the door Although I was surprised, I didn’t panic. Instead, I already had a way to deal with him. This was also thanks to Zeng Yipu who mentioned this matter to me in the woods. It made me think about it on the way back. .So when I saw Qian Yelong appearing at the door, a look of surprise flashed across my face, and then I calmed down and said, “You’re still here, let’s come in and talk.” ”
Qian Yelong didn’t want to be polite to me, let alone play charades, so he came into the house with me. I asked him if he wanted to drink water, and he said no. Then he said without emotion: “You know I’m here. For the purpose, I want to know whether what you promised me still counts.
I answered him decisively: “Since I have agreed, there is no such thing as counting or not counting. ”
Qian Yelong said: “That’s good. What do you think? ” ”
/I said: “Before we talk about this question, I have a question to ask you. I think it is clear. Only then can I be fully prepared to do this.
Qian Yelong said, “You ask. ” ”
/I said: “I want to know about finding Captain Fan. Is it your own idea or Mr. Yin’s? Qian
Yelong probably didn’t expect me to ask this question. He said, “Is there any difference?”
I said: “Of course there is a difference. You are you, and Mr. Yin is Mr. Yin. I can still tell the difference. ” ”
Qian Yelong seemed reluctant to answer this question, but since he was unwilling to answer, he had actually given me the most complete answer. So when he hesitated and did not answer, I said: “I already know, it’s just that Let me give you a heads up. This is Mr. Yin’s territory, and any movement here cannot be hidden from him. I’m afraid if you try to hide this from him, you will cause trouble.
Qian Yelong said: “I didn’t hide anything from Mr. Yin, so he knew what I was here for. ” ”
When I saw him saying this, I just smiled slightly, so as not to expose his inner thoughts. If he really wante

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