ow up for an interview, because the market will definitely continue to decline in the near future, and no matter what he says is inappropriate, this is the reason why Han Xuan has not shown up yet. He himself is very confident about the future recovery of the Internet industry, and also has confidence in himself. Those companies are very confident, but it does not mean that other investors think the same way. It is a last resort to not express opinions for the time being and to be a coward.


ow up for an interview, because the market will definitely continue to decline in the near future, and no matter what he says is inappropriate, this is the reason why Han Xuan has not shown up yet. He himself is very confident about the future recovery of the Internet industry, and also has confidence in himself. Those companies are very confident, but it does not mean that other investors think the same way. It is a last resort to not express opinions for the time being and to be a coward.
In recent days, many investigation agencies and brokerage representatives have rushed to the Four Towers of Snow Mountain in Santa Clara Town, trying to get an accurate response from Executive Anthony.
/Putting aside the recent chain reaction caused by the collapse of the Internet stock market bubble, Han Xuan is standing in the glass room at the moment, with Ms. Aimen and Mr. Manuel lying on both sides.
The fattest man in the world, named Manuel, weighs 569 kilograms. There is a slight odor in the room, like a slight body odor, but it is not that strong and is quite acceptable.
He was like a fat white worm, his waistline was several times thicker than that of an ordinary person, his facial features looked quite handsome, but the fat rings on his legs looked a bit scary.
He told Han Xuan in extremely fast Spanish: “Oh my god, I have only seen you on TV before. I saw you when you were very young. I never thought that I would actually meet you this day. Thank you very much. You can invite me and give me such a large amount of money. My mother has spent all the family’s savings in order to help me lose weight and live like a normal person. This is really great. I hope I can work. , let her live a good life like other mothers. When she gets that money, even if she does not lose weight smoothly and becomes a normal person, she can live in a very good house and hire a maid to take care of us. The price of maids in Mexico is not high, so my mother will not be so tired. Thank you again.”
Ms. Aimen, who was lying next to her, had difficulty even turning her head. She was almost fat and turned into a ball, weighing more than a thousand kilograms. , almost ten times the size of an ordinary woman, was listening to the translator help explain Manuel’s words, and nodded in agreement. One million dollars is enough for her family to live a prosperous life.
Han Xuan found that Manuel didn’t seem to believe that he could lose weight smoothly because of the weight loss pills at Snow Mountain Ranch. It was right when he thought about it. He should have experienced countless disappointments and had long lost confidence in losing weight.
He shook his head and smiled and said in Spanish: “Don’t worry, sir, you can definitely return to normal this time, and you can go back with your pay and live with your mother. Doctor, please help me introduce the treatment plan and general plan. I already know, but there are no details written on it.”
/As early as when Han Xuan came in, this middle-aged doctor in a white coat appeared at the bedside, b

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