‘Velunga’, and ‘Elua’ It is inevitable, even ‘Kamando’, even ‘Kamando’ will not be able to escape the fate of being conquered…”; “Is the inheritance of thousands of seasons of reincarnation going to perish tonight? I, I I have tried my best, I have tried my best…” and other cries are heard endlessly.


‘Velunga’, and ‘Elua’ It is inevitable, even ‘Kamando’, even ‘Kamando’ will not be able to escape the fate of being conquered…”; “Is the inheritance of thousands of seasons of reincarnation going to perish tonight? I, I I have tried my best, I have tried my best…” and other cries are heard endlessly.
/There was even a spirit who lost his mind and roared: “Since the ‘Lumasa’ I protect has reached its end, even if I abandon ‘reincarnation’, I will turn into dust with you.”, self-destructing gold. Dan, together with the “Super Hellmen” of the Tudenan tribe who besieged him, and hundreds of elite warriors, were reduced to flesh and blood.
Seeing the guardian spirits, they were already so desperate, and the warriors of the tribal alliance were even more desperate. The remaining desire to persevere quickly disappeared. Ten minutes later, when Zhang Lisheng saw that the battle had become a complete massacre, he once again When it hit the totem pole of ‘Samru’, the stone pillar collapsed before all the tribal guardian spirits were completely dead.
/The fall of the Samru totem pole was like the last straw that broke the camel’s back. The guardian spirits and warriors of other tribes in the “Tribal Alliance” began to flee one after another. But for the Samru people, all the disasters were over. Except for the guardian spirits who fought to the last moment, the ordinary warriors had already abandoned their weapons in a dull manner.
After completing the conquest of ‘Samru’, Zhang Lisheng left only 1,500 elite warriors to escort prisoners and trophies, and then led other tribal warriors to pursue the fleeing ‘Tribal Alliance’ warriors and spirits. Sweeping down all the way, they conquered many tribes such as ‘Wolunga’, ‘Airuya’, ‘Lumasa’… in the middle of ‘Sea Shrimp B1 Island’.
And when they captured ‘Airua’, they defeated hundreds of marine spirits from the ‘Tribal Alliance’ who came back for reinforcements.
After this long battle that was difficult, bloody and full of surprises, Tudenan, which sacrificed 346 ‘Super Hellmen’ and 7900 elite soldiers, gained 400,000 prisoners. , and finally became the well-deserved overlord of ‘Hai Xia B1 Island’ with more than a million tribesmen.
The conquering army returned with a great victory. In the bark house where the tribe enshrined its history, the Tudenantou man knelt down under the animal skin chair and trembled with excitement, “This is truly a legendary battle, the great attacker, this What a legendary battle!
Even though I know that you have infinite power, you can lead less than 40,000 warriors to conquer seventeen tribes in one fell swoop. Such an achievement is still unimaginable…” ”
This is the impetus of the situation, and my Strength has little to do with it.” Facing Tugla, Zhang Lisheng didn’t seem hypocritical. “If the spirits guarding the ‘Tribal Alliance’ hadn’t divided their troops; They suddenly collapsed without even showing their strength; if it weren’t for those vengeful ‘strangers’ who used alchemy machinery to attack the Kamandor people all ni

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