led from the snow-capped mountain pasture, plus some grains. Fish like to eat. You can use them to attract fish schools, and then just wait for them to enter the circle surrounded by fishing nets.”


led from the snow-capped mountain pasture, plus some grains. Fish like to eat. You can use them to attract fish schools, and then just wait for them to enter the circle surrounded by fishing nets.”
After Han Xuan heard this, he looked at Jigglypuff who was running happily on the feed mountain and thought about not giving him a bath. I would never hold it, but it is actually made of livestock dung.
Sailors are throwing bottles connected with ropes into the sea, which are used to catch eels.
The number of this fish is small, but its economic value is great. The spawning season has passed, and the government has just opened up fishing for them.
The area of ??Gamble Fishing Ground is not small, but when placed in the entire Pacific Ocean, it seems insignificant.
Han Xuan left the cockpit and stood next to Anya, looking at the receding coastline, and said:
“If there is a chance, I would like to buy the entire Shiqili Bay. Japan will be captured by us this year, so we should try to Talk to the other party about this matter. By then, everything you see in your field of vision will be mine.”
He never avoids her on the phone. Anya doesn’t know what Han Xuan is busy with recently, but it must be The important thing is yes, you can guess it from the names of the countries, and the amount of funds mentioned is even more unimaginable!
At this moment, she suddenly felt that Han Xuan who said these words was very handsome, but only a little handsome. The two of them were so familiar that they did not feel strange.
He smiled and replied: “That should cost a lot of money, right?”
“Well, according to the current land value of Shiqili Bay, the budget may be around one billion U.S. dollars. If that money is invested in other places, it will be better than investing in this land. Land is more profitable, but I like it and want to buy it, so I don’t have to think about anything else.”
Han Xuan didn’t know yet that he had been admired by Anya just now, otherwise he would definitely be inflated at this moment.
Watching the seabirds flying in the sky and the rising sun, I felt comfortable and leisurely, with a smile on my face.
A sailor who was fishing on the deck pulled up a large grouper.
When he was holding it up to show off to his companions, his hand was suddenly bitten by a fish. He screamed in pain, which caused a lot of ridicule.
/The minibus squatted at the stern of the boat, staring at the waves.
Looking at the back, I feel an inexplicable sense of vicissitudes of life. Maybe I am seasick, or maybe I am thinking about what to eat for lunch.
/Secretary Dawson was afraid that it would jump out of his mind, so he was standing next to the minivan smoking a cigar. The work pressure was a little bit too much, and he had recently learned to smoke.
When the news came over the radio that a school of fish had been discovered, people immediately became busy.
Just listen to Captain Robinson shouting: “About 700 meters to the east! It should be a school of squid! My God, there are so many! They are all dense

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