the camera to express his thoughts on re-shooting this variety reality show. Because it is a reality show similar to a documentary, he did not have many requirements for the camera and content. After a brief chat, , they packed up their things and left, going downstairs to Black Hole Records, pretending that they had not met the Magic Red band members and Manager Bob just now.


the camera to express his thoughts on re-shooting this variety reality show. Because it is a reality show similar to a documentary, he did not have many requirements for the camera and content. After a brief chat, , they packed up their things and left, going downstairs to Black Hole Records, pretending that they had not met the Magic Red band members and Manager Bob just now.
/Then in the camera interview, when talking about the New Year’s Eve concert, Han Xuan asked Magic Red lead singer Levine: “Have you considered what song to sing on New Year’s Eve night? Ramirez It can be your songs, or your songs. To be honest, I rarely sing, and I don’t even know how good I am at singing, because no matter how out-of-tune I am, I won’t feel it.”
“That’s true, before I joined the band. , I also thought I could be the lead singer, but my teammates laughed at me and asked me to continue playing bass.” The
bassist of the band named Mickey Mickey said that they are only four or five years older than Han Xuan. After all, I often face reporters. At this moment, I can’t tell that I just talked about the topic of song selection. It’s like they just started meeting and sat down to discuss.
/Ryan Michael, the handsome guy in charge of the drum set, rubbed his hands and said: “We have been arguing about this for a long time. You may not know that singing in an environment of tens of thousands of people has different effects than singing in other places. Considering It was a festive day, and we thought it would be best to use these few days to rehearse a new song. But we haven’t found a suitable song yet, and we planned to wait until Ramirez comes back to discuss it together. When we talked about this last night , he told me that you have a solution. Have you found a song suitable for singing that day?”
Han Xuan had told them the suggestion of singing a new song before. At this moment, Michael just made an excuse to give his idea to After retelling it, when he said these words, everyone’s eyes turned to Han Xuan.
There were many songs stored in his head, some of which were very suitable for singing that day. But at this moment, Han Xuan had bad thoughts in his head. He was very unhappy about being cheated by Ramirez, so he also planned to cheat Ramirez. Ramirez shook his head and said with a smile: “I don’t. This is not my strong point. But Ramirez’s creative talent is very powerful. When he was twelve years old, he entered Brown University to study classical music and lived with me. Together, I know that he will definitely be able to think of a suitable new song. It should be upbeat and passionate, so that it can incite the atmosphere of the scene. If I were asked to sing a lyrical song, I really can’t sing it.”
After finishing speaking, the corners of his mouth were hanging . He smiled evilly. Our ancestors called this the higher you praise, the harder you fall. In less than half a month, the performance in Times Square will begin. An ordinary song will never do. It must be one that can become a classic. Planting will

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