iang Ying drank him. . In this way, the team moves at a slightly happier pace. Not long after, everyone happened to walk through a “T”-shaped intersection, and everyone turned left. Old man Zhang immediately said: “No, no, turn right. The stairs on the left are blocked.” “You didn’t tell me


iang Ying drank him. . In this way, the team moves at a slightly happier pace. Not long after, everyone happened to walk through a “T”-shaped intersection, and everyone turned left. Old man Zhang immediately said: “No, no, turn right. The stairs on the left are blocked.” “You didn’t tell me
earlier!” So the group of people turned right. .
At this time, Bai Lu couldn’t help but said: “Old man Zhang, how do you know the way out of this hospital maze?” Old man Zhang said: “I don’t know either. Anyway, I just have the image in my mind.” “You You don’t want to say it yet, right?” Bai Lu was a little unhappy. Old Man Zhang waved his hands quickly and said, “No, no. I didn’t lie. It’s true. I don’t know why I know the way out, but I just know it.” Bai Lu’s face turned cold and he said, “Are you going to tell me or not?” Old Man Zhang was so anxious that he almost cried, “Oh, I really don’t know. I don’t know, even if you knock my brain out, it won’t matter. You really have to believe me.” Old Man Zhang refused to say anything. Xunhen’s teeth were itching, but when he thought of asking him to lead the way, he didn’t press too hard, but asked another question, “Is Zhang Jie really your daughter?”
At the mention of Zhang Jie, old man Zhang’s mournful face froze. . Then an inexplicable strange color flashed across the old wrinkled face, and he said: “She is my daughter.” Bai Lu said: “Then the way she looks at you, why does it feel like she wants to eat you?” Old Man Zhang Shaking his head, he said: “Because, I did something wrong to her!” He seemed not to be interested in talking about this matter. Without waiting for Bai Lu, who was extremely curious, to ask, Old Man Zhang said: “Wait, you guys Put me down.”
“No!” Liang Ying refused.
Old man Zhang was very anxious and said: “We are about to go up to the fourth floor. The maze on the fourth floor is more complicated, and there are many monsters. There is no need to rush. Once those monsters are alerted, we will all die on the fourth floor. . Just believe me, little old man. We are all here to survive, and I will not harm you. I will definitely take you out when the ‘danger’ comes.”
Ouyang frowned and said, “I was on the fourth floor before. After all, there are no monsters you mentioned.” Old Man Zhang said hurriedly: “That’s because you didn’t go the right way. Only the right way to the exit will be guarded by monsters. In addition, I forgot to mention it before. “There is a monster in ward 413. Her ears were pulled very long and tied to her feet. It’s very scary and powerful.” Liang Ying then put Old Man Zhang down and said, “Why didn’t you do that before? Did you tell me earlier?”
/“I was just about to say that you guys picked me up and ran away, but I didn’t have the chance to say it.”
Bai Lu couldn’t help but said, “Okay, stop talking nonsense! Leave quickly!”
“Yes, yes, yes.” Old man Zhang quickly raised his body and climbed up the stairs with both hands and feet.
Bai Lu snorted and muttered: “What kind of father is the daughter.” His tone was full o

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