as too lazy to move. Yin Kuang said, “I asked you, can you?” Halfway through his words, Yin Kuang suddenly grabbed a chopstick and threw it towards a corner of the restaurant with a “swish” sound.


as too lazy to move. Yin Kuang said, “I asked you, can you?” Halfway through his words, Yin Kuang suddenly grabbed a chopstick and threw it towards a corner of the restaurant with a “swish” sound.
“Wow! Now that you have discovered me.”
A red figure suddenly jumped out from the dark corner where Yin Kuang was aiming, jumped up to the ceiling of the restaurant, and lay firmly on it. Under the light of the light, the red tights, the black spider web-like patterns, and the two big “eyes” on his head, combined with his unique ability to lie on the ceiling as if lying on the ground, this guy The identity of Spider-Man is about to emerge!
/“Really?” Yin Kuang had the urge to spit on his rice. What you were worried about one moment has come true the next moment. What kind of unfolding is this? If there is Spider-Man, will there be Batman, Iron Man, XX Man or even Superman? ! Yin Kuang sighed secretly, unable to even eat a meal. When did his luck become so bad?
“Hey! You two, don’t think I don’t exist, okay? Come up with a line, like ‘Wow, Spider-Man, it’s you’ or something like that. I think you should know me, right? Even if you don’t, I just said that I am ‘Spider-Man’. First of all, please tell me your identity and the organization you belong to. But according to my guess, you should be from China. Are you from the ‘Dragon Group’? Or the ‘Supernatural Power Research Association’? Or is it ‘Brother
The corners of Yin Kuang’s eyes twitched. Isn’t this Spider-Man too unique? But just when he was about to speak, Spider-Man said again: “Forget it, forget it. Actually, I don’t really want to know. That man has nothing to do with you for the time being. You can do whatever you want. But it only takes 24 hours. You must stay in New York, and then the boss will send someone to verify your identity. But that little sister, please come with me now. Killing 189 American citizens, you can commit such a crime anywhere in the world You can’t escape from any corner. So you’d better cooperate. It’s too inhumane to have to work in the middle of the night.”
Lian Nishang raised his head at this time, looked at Yin Kuang with big eyes, and said: “You do it? Or should I do it? ?” Yin Kuang said: “Forget it. It’s not a problem to solve him alone. But solving him will attract more superheroes. Although this person is a talker, he is not strong. You just don’t listen. If you’ve finished eating, let’s go.” Yin Kuang really didn’t want to cause trouble. He just wants to take good care of himself and leave this world. As for practicing neon clothes, it is really troublesome.
“Just tell me you won’t do anything.” After saying that, Lian Nishang’s waterfall-like hair flew towards the talkative Spider-Man. Spider-Man let out an exaggerated scream, and then countless hairs penetrated his body and were nailed into the ceiling.
“Hey, what kind of setting is this? You will die with one hit? After all, I am Spider-Man and I actually knew it and waited for ‘them’ to come together.”
/The long hair was retracted, and Spider-Man’s body was smas

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