in its own skin that dispenses black, highly corrosive liquid from its chest. Old man Zhang was startled by the monster, screamed and hid behind Yin Kuang and others. Then, there was a “pop” gunshot, and the head of the “tight suit” exploded, and then he fell to the ground and died. It turned out that Zeng Fei shot it dead.


in its own skin that dispenses black, highly corrosive liquid from its chest. Old man Zhang was startled by the monster, screamed and hid behind Yin Kuang and others. Then, there was a “pop” gunshot, and the head of the “tight suit” exploded, and then he fell to the ground and died. It turned out that Zeng Fei shot it dead.
Speaking of which, many of the original monsters in Silent Hill, except for the perverted “Big Iron Head”, are quite easy to deal with. They can even be easily dealt with with a knife or a gun.
Yin Kuang said to Old Man Zhang: “Don’t worry, we will deal with the monsters for you. Just lead the way.” ”
Yes, yes, I understand.” With that, Old Man Zhang walked out from behind everyone and headed to the right walk down the aisle.
/Taking advantage of the opportunity to move forward, Yin Kuang said to everyone through lip language: “We don’t want a ‘dead baby’ later, just a ‘hanging rope’.” Yin Kuang’s words made everyone frown. Of course, Wang Ning frowned to express dissatisfaction, while Li Shuangmu, Zeng Fei and others expressed doubts.
After listening to Yin Kuang’s analysis, everyone’s frown deepened.
As if thinking of the miraculous effect of the “Shovel of Rebirth” on “the buried person’s next life of wealth and wealth”, the eyes of everyone in Class 1237 suddenly lit up, “I
see.” As for Bei Dao and Leng Huaping, they seemed not to know what the “Shovel of Rebirth” was. “. Yin Kuang knew that they did not want to trigger this plot, so he had to give a rough explanation.
Old man Zhang was also frightened and his face turned pale. He trembled and said, “Yes, it’s big.”
Yin Kuang said, “Don’t worry about it! Just lead the way.”
Just as everyone was climbing the stairs quickly, A piercing ringtone rang suddenly.
It was like “blessings never come in pairs, misfortunes never come singly”. It happened at this moment that the nightmarish school bell rang!
“Ah! It’s coming, it’s coming! Hell is coming!” Old man Zhang, who was running so fast, suddenly screamed strangely, and then started spinning around like a headless fly. If Wang Ning hadn’t acted quickly, this old guy wouldn’t have known where to go. Wang Ning ignored his strange screams, picked him up, and said fiercely: “Lead the way obediently! Otherwise, you will die now!” As if he was frightened by Wang Ning, Old Man Zhang nodded repeatedly.
At the same time, in a corner of the hospital, a dark hole suddenly appeared, and then a slender figure fell from the black hole. Then the figure twisted around and landed firmly on the ground. At first glance, it turned out to be Liu Xie. At this moment, Liu Xie’s eyes were red, as if he was possessed.
Then, a majestic voice sounded: “Classmates, now I am broadcasting an announcement.”
After this announcement, darkness suddenly fell!
/Different from the previous times, the “other world” came in darkness and silence. But this time, along with the dark general, the earth began to tremble violently. Although this kind of vibration is not violent, the frequency of vibration is ext

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