fter another continued to stimulate them. In addition, swimming in the water consumed a lot of physical strength. It was a serious load both mentally and physically. Some Xichang fans The child was already screaming and being washed away by the river, while more of them were rushing towards the river bank crazily, shouting “kill the thief for meritorious service” and “avenge the dead brother”, and their momentum was unparalleled for a while. It made Tang Rouyu and others sigh at their tenacity.


fter another continued to stimulate them. In addition, swimming in the water consumed a lot of physical strength. It was a serious load both mentally and physically. Some Xichang fans The child was already screaming and being washed away by the river, while more of them were rushing towards the river bank crazily, shouting “kill the thief for meritorious service” and “avenge the dead brother”, and their momentum was unparalleled for a while. It made Tang Rouyu and others sigh at their tenacity.
And under their crazy and fierce attack, not long after, the defense line in charge of Pan Longtao was breached by more than a dozen Xichang fans. The crazy group of Xichang hawks and dogs did not even block the bullets flying everywhere and raised their knives. Just cut it. Pan Longtao had no choice but to use his pistol and use the melee skills of the “gun god bloodline”, such as “spin kick” and “instant kick”, but with little effect. If it weren’t for Qi Xiaoyun’s assistance, he would have been surrounded. In addition, gun fighting actually comes with close combat capabilities, and unique fighting skills are also extraordinary, but they must be used in conjunction with firearms to exert their power. However, in the world of martial arts, the power of firearms is greatly restricted, almost becoming It has to be a bit tasteless. Therefore, in this scene, Pan Longtao’s melee combat ability is relatively weak.
On the right side, Tang Rouyu and Qiu Yun were in charge. A hidden weapon fired continuously and a sharp claw tore at each other, forcing a group of Xichang fans to continuously switch landing locations. As for Bai Lu and Wei Ming, they were yelling inside, like ghosts crying and wolves howling. The river water around them was not only soaked in blood, but also turned a large area red. Some of the blood belongs to them, but most of it belongs to the enemy.
/As for the remaining fish that slipped through the net, they were easily solved by Hong Zhong and Zhong Limo.
/Elsewhere, Yin Kuang, Li Shuangmu, Wang Ningzheng and Zhao Tong were fighting fiercely. In the mist of the drizzle, I could only see four figures constantly moving across each other, swords colliding with each other, and shouts of “drink” and “ah” could be heard constantly. And wherever the four people passed by, there were potholes and mud.
“Who are you!? How dare you openly oppose the imperial court! This is contempt for the power of heaven, this is rebellion! Aren’t you afraid of implicating the nine tribes?” After blocking Yin Kuang’s heavy blow, Zhao Tong only felt a slight numbness in the tiger’s mouth. , the figure paused, and then Li Shuangmu tore the clothes under his ribs again. He couldn’t help being frightened and angry, and shouted loudly.
Yin Kuang narrowed his eyes with amber light and said: “Don’t talk nonsense to him. He is about to die. Let’s take advantage of the victory and pursue him.” Yin Kuang guessed that since Zhao Tong has said these threatening words, it means that he has already I am timid and somewhat lacking in confidenc

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