is to capture or kill Jet Li No, it’s the Zhao Huaian trio. The difficulty has reached B level. And the key is not the difficulty of the task, but also a reputation deduction.” Yin Kuang nodded, looked at the people gathered, and said: “Deduction of 2,000 points for Jianghu Righteousness Reputation, underworld reputation +2000. Although I don’t know what it means specifically, I can imagine that if we really accept this mission, I’m afraid all the righteous people in the world will hate us.”


is to capture or kill Jet Li No, it’s the Zhao Huaian trio. The difficulty has reached B level. And the key is not the difficulty of the task, but also a reputation deduction.” Yin Kuang nodded, looked at the people gathered, and said: “Deduction of 2,000 points for Jianghu Righteousness Reputation, underworld reputation +2000. Although I don’t know what it means specifically, I can imagine that if we really accept this mission, I’m afraid all the righteous people in the world will hate us.”
Bai Lu said “uh”, “Then we’d better not accept it. Alright? Although we don’t claim to be the right people in the martial arts world, we shouldn’t go against those people who are the most right people. That’s a hornet’s nest that we can’t afford to offend.” Everyone nodded. By the way, even if you have never eaten pork, you have seen pigs running away, right? After reading so many martial arts novels, TV sets, and movies, the black and white worlds of martial arts have always been at odds with each other and have not changed for thousands of years. If just a few of these newbies got involved, they would be looking for death.
Li Shuangmu said: “Then let’s sit down in Yuelai Inn first and discuss how to pass this mock exam. We are not here for vacation. Besides,” Li Shuangmu smiled, “Yelai Inn, I I’ve been longing for it for a long time.” As he said that, he shook his sleeves and walked towards Yuelai Inn.
Bai Lu covered his mouth with his hands and whispered: “Why do I think he is more boring than me?” Everyone was sweating profusely. Even the three temporary members who just came in couldn’t help but look at each other, their eyes seeming to say: “This class is really strange.” Yin Kuang said quickly: “By the way, you guys have money, banknotes and the like. “?”
“No.” Tang Rouyu shook her head.
“No.” Wei Ming shrugged.
/“Silver banknotes and stuff, how tacky, I only have soft girl coins.” Bai Lu turned over his hand, and a pile of red heads appeared in his hand, and he fanned like that, “Oh, it’s a pity, there are so many I can’t use the soft girl coins. What do you think we should do?” Everyone consciously ignored him.
Tang Rouyu said: “I think Li Shuangmu should be prepared.” Everyone thought, yes, otherwise, how could Li Shuangmu walk in so arrogantly? So, when everyone crowded into the Yuelai Inn, they saw Li Shuangmu take out a large silver ingot from his arms and throw it to the waiter who nodded and bowed, “Open a private room, good wine and good food to greet you. Your benefits are indispensable.”
The waiter said His eyes suddenly sparkled, “Hey, sir, don’t worry, everything will be taken care of by me.” “Call me Young Master, don’t call me Young Master.” Li Shuangmu said, looking around the Yuelai Inn, and said, “Second servant Do you know anyone who is well-informed?”
“Young hero, you want to find someone who is well-informed? Hehe, what a coincidence. Far away in the horizon and right in front of you, it’s me, the waiter. What do you want to ask, young hero? Which Gou Lan girl in the town

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