is that after 10 days, we first conduct a ‘mock examination’ to earn rewards and hone ourselves. Let’s test the new people who may join. What do you think? It would be a waste not to use the ‘mock exam’ which is such a good advantage!” Indeed


is that after 10 days, we first conduct a ‘mock examination’ to earn rewards and hone ourselves. Let’s test the new people who may join. What do you think? It would be a waste not to use the ‘mock exam’ which is such a good advantage!” Indeed
, one of the benefits of the elite class, the mock exam, although there is no clear main task, But you can receive many side tasks and even hidden tasks. Of course, the premise is that Cha Cha is very charming. Class 1237 has Qian Qianqian who is extremely charming! What’s more, there are no penalties for dying on a “mock exam.” Such good things are hard to find even with a lantern. It’s no wonder why the elite class is stronger than the ordinary class.
/After hearing Yin Kuang’s suggestion, everyone couldn’t help but nod.
“Phew! Finally got rid of it. It’s so annoying. People who don’t even have the average value of five basic attributes are less than 5 are coming to sign up. Do you really think that my class 1237 is a garbage disposal station?” Yin Kuang was walking alone. On the black stone path in the shadow of the sycamore forest, I felt depressed and angry.
By the way, it has been 5 days since I went to the regular class “recruitment” that day. According to the “voluntary principle”, Yin Kuang and others did not receive many learning points in the end, and the total total was less than 10,000 points. Don’t look at it, 10,000 points may be a lot, but if you count the total number of people, 10 classes, 300 people, 200 points per person, if you collect them all, it will be as high as 60,000 points! But as it turned out, there were not even 50 people willing to pay. For this reason, Class 1237 was ridiculed by the other two outstanding classes. What’s even more funny is that even some people who paid for the academic points regretted it and actually went to class 1237 to claim back the paid academic points. Not to mention, they actually succeeded!
But Class 1237, who can be said to be the initiator, really had nothing wrong with it. Apart from being severely scolded by Xiong Ba, Otaku, Earl and others for their poor performance, and being ridiculed by the freshmen and sophomores, they had nothing to lose. By the way, after Xiong Ba finished scolding him on the surface, he actually patted Yin Kuang’s shoulder secretly, seeming to show some approval? Who knows. Perhaps some sophomores will be dissatisfied with the actions of Yin Kuang and others, because they have also been bullied and squeezed by the same elite class, and their psychology is inevitably unbalanced. However, due to other reasons, they dare not Move class 1237. Therefore, they vented their dissatisfaction on the ordinary freshman class.
However, the only thing that surprised Yin Kuang was that during this period, people from the Symbiosis Association actually approached him and Li Shuangmu and asked them if they were interested in joining the Symbiosis Association. Symbiosis Society, maybe Yin Kuang admires their spirit of daring to fight against the power of the Hou Mansion, but he is not willing to

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