at calculations and predictions. Although his combat power is not bad, he is considered the weakest in the Judgment Office. It can be seen that most attacks are resolved by the blue light of the magic circle.


at calculations and predictions. Although his combat power is not bad, he is considered the weakest in the Judgment Office. It can be seen that most attacks are resolved by the blue light of the magic circle.
It’s not just because of efficiency that he specializes in pinching weak persimmons. Yin Kuang also found that he had fallen in love with the refreshing feeling of condensing all his strength to kill his opponent in one fell swoop. Is it because it has been suppressed for too long? No matter what, just have fun.
“Be careful!” As soon as Yin Kuang rushed into the battle circle about five meters away, one of the main players of the White Bear team sensed it and gave a loud warning. The man who was targeted by Yin Kuang was actually unambiguous. He decisively gave up the attack and crossed two huge maces in front of him.
Pong! !
Thursday took the opportunity to shake out a few tarot cards, and “swish” they passed through another person’s body. The man’s attack rhythm was messed up, his dodge was a little slower, he was hit by a stick on his left shoulder, and flew out screaming. But Yin Kuang knew that he had dodged after all, and the stick probably couldn’t kill him.
“Thank you.” Thursday finally got a chance to breathe.
“You’re welcome.”
Now is not the time for nonsense. Yin Kuang replied, and then attacked the next person.
The White Bear team instantly knew that this guy who suddenly appeared was very powerful, and their hearts that had dropped because they had the upper hand jumped up again. The little girl who was the main force of Team White Bear suddenly raised two fingers, and then continued to launch a violent attack on Monday. Yin Kuang saw the other two main white bears withdrawing from the battle circle and rushing over like lightning, one from the left and the other from the right.
Using two main forces to deal with me really looks down on me.
/Yin Kuang smiled in his heart, grabbed one person neatly, threw the person on the left hard, and then quickly broke away from the battle circle, as if he had no intention of fighting the two of them.
That’s right, Yin Kuang didn’t want to compete with the main force of the White Bear team and waste his “source” in vain. He just needs to lure the main force away and reduce the pressure on the six people in the adjudication office. The two main players of the White Bear team froze. Seeing Yin Kuang inexplicably moving away, they stopped pursuing him because they also knew that it was most important to deal with the six people from the “Judgment Office” first.
/However, as soon as they retreated, Yin Kuang turned back from the other direction and rushed towards a relatively “soft persimmon”. After two exchanges of blows, Yin Kuang did not kill him. Saturday, the ruling officer took the opportunity to hold his head and wring his neck with a “click”. Of course, the impact at that moment also broke his neck. The “shaft” was broken.
“Three dunks!”
“Bastard!” The main force of the White Bear team who was chasing Yin Kuang roared when he saw it,

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