miled and said:


Klein’s voice sounded again:
The pale golden figure of the “Deng Shen” shook a little and said with a smile:
“Your wish will be granted.”
/Inside the Church of Bones.
Klein touched the bloody cross stake on his chest and seemed to be considering how to get it out.
During this process, he asked Adam casually:
“This is a factor. More importantly, at that time, there were still many hidden dangers that had not been resolved.” Adam looked at the huge cross in front of him with warm eyes.
Klein turned his head, looked at the “visionary” and said:
“For example, at that time, the remaining will of the ‘original’ was still very strong…”
Before he finished speaking, a large amount of bright red blood suddenly flowed from Klein’s head.
But the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.
Adam turned his head and looked at Klein, his clear light eyes reflected the face with streams of bright red blood flowing out.
His expression remained unchanged, with a hint of compassion in his warmth, as if a god was watching the world.
Klein looked at Him with a smile, his head split inch by inch.
This trend immediately spread to his body, causing him to collapse into a pool of blood.
In the bloody water, shirts, coats and other items were floating, including the blood-stained cross stake and an ancient mirror.
In the Church of Bones, in the Kingdom of God of “Imaginator” Adam, Klein died strangely.
Adam, who was wearing a simple white robe, looked at this scene with gentleness and calmness. He didn’t know whether he had expected it or had suppressed his own emotions.
Above the gray fog, inside the ancient palace.
The crazy “worm vortex” lost its movement in an instant and decomposed into one dead “spiritual worm” after another.
In the next second, these “spiritual insects” became illusory and gray-white, as if they had merged into the fog of history.
Then, they came to life again, shimmering with deep light while squirming together.
In just a few seconds, the “Spirit Insects” reorganized into a figure, which was Klein Moretti with black hair and brown eyes and a formal shirt.
With the return of the owner of “Origin Castle”, the destroyed long table and twenty-two high-backed chairs were quickly restored, and the debris scattered all over the floor was piled together again.
Klein picked up the “Star Staff” inlaid with various gems and sat down in the seat belonging to “The Fool”.
The entire space above the gray fog vibrated, and majestic and mighty invisible power surged out.
Klein immediately nodded to the golden figure occupying Bernadette’s “prayer light spot” and said:
“I will fulfill my promise.”
“Deng Shen” laughed and said:
“It seems that you have not inherited his cunning and shamelessness, which is good.”
As soon as he finished speaking, the blurry and twisted golden figure quickly retreated, no longer projected on Bernadette’s “prayer light spot”.
“Well done.” Klein separated a “Spirit Worm” in response to the “Queen of Mystery”‘s prayers, lowered his head and made a wish to himself, “

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