ry world.


Gabriel’s extraordinary armor was not damaged, but he was still slightly injured. The damage from this sniper shot was almost equal to the power of a normal extraordinary blow.
But Gabriel Chaofan is a veteran Chaotic, and he is relatively powerful among the Chaotics. This sniper attack did not cause him any serious injuries.
Of course, this is also caused by David’s failure to control his spirit. If David really sniped silently, it is very likely that Gabriel’s extraordinary armor will not be equipped in time.
That’s why Gabriel Chaofan was so frightened and angry. Being taken care of by such a sniper soldier would definitely become his nightmare.
This sniper soldier must not be allowed to have another chance to take action. Gabriel Chacha must deal with this sniper soldier immediately.
After David fired, he discovered something was wrong. After the sniper bullet hit the target, it did not achieve the effect he expected.
Just as Gabriel soared into the sky, David sensed extreme danger.
Without any hesitation, David turned around and ran away. Even the large-caliber custom-made sniper rifle was retrieved by Shadow Warrior. You can imagine how anxious David was.
The short wings on the back of the customized exoskeleton armor and the ‘Ultimate Speed’ talent were all activated to increase speed. He accelerated crazily, trying to escape as far away as possible.
In Chia City, Fox Chaofan felt the terrifying and extraordinary aura. He put aside the meeting he was having, jumped out of the building vertically, completed the armor in the air, and his body turned into a line of light and shadow in the air and flew towards the distance.
David has always been proud of his speed, but now he understands that in front of Chao Chao, his speed is not worth mentioning at all.
With an advantage of three thousand meters, in just thirty seconds, Gabriel Chaofan had already caught up to him less than a hundred meters away.
At this distance, as long as Gabriel Chaoyang accelerates again, he can catch up with him.
David couldn’t use the ‘Spiritual Arrow’ at all, because as long as he paused at this moment, he would be caught immediately.
Even the self-defense treasure ‘Magic Amulet of Weakness’ that was obtained has no time to use, let alone use it. There is also no time to take out the ‘Magic Amulet of Weakness’ from Shadow Attendant.
/A mountain of pressure was oppressing David. If it weren’t for David’s mental strength, Gabriel might not have needed to take extraordinary action. The pressure alone would have made David unable to move.
David regretted it very much. He had known that Chaofan’s true strength was so terrifying, how could he have taken action like this.
Perhaps it was because David had poisoned Kaser Chaofan that he lacked the proper fear of Chaofan.
Gabriel Chaofan looked at David in front of him, the murderous intent in his eyes was as real as ever, but he suppressed it with force.
Of course he knew David. He had read David’s information for several months, and even wasted several months on thi

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