ly back!


ly back!
Under Nelson’s careful care, Anne’s condition has become stable.
She has now returned to the state she was in when Sun Hao first met her.
And according to what the doctor in Switzerland said, as long as she takes good care of her, her health may get better than before.
This is undoubtedly the best news that Sun Hao has heard.
Annie is Nelson Jr.’s daughter, but she’s actually more like a member of the Mavericks.
Moreover, after Nelson comes back, Sun Hao can also pass his ideas to the team management through him.
If he doesn’t intervene, the Mavericks will most likely select a big man in the draft.
But in fact, if history does not change, O’Neal will travel east to Miami this summer.
This choice for the Mavericks will turn out to be a lonely choice in the end.
Moreover, there is no such kind of meat shield center to choose from this year.
In fact, the Mavericks are not lacking, and Collins is better than most meat shield centers!
It’s just that Johnson didn’t make good use of him last season.
On the contrary, it will be Taobao this year.
At the end of the first round, whether you choose Varejao or Ariza, it is the kind of sweet operation.
Or maybe you can get Tony Allen with a little manipulation, which would be even more delicious.
/Of course, draft reinforcements are secondary.
It’s still unclear how the Mavericks coaching staff will adjust after Nelson returns.
If Cuban lets Nelson return to the coaching staff, that will definitely be the best outcome.
The inside problem will be solved automatically first, and the subsequent tactics will no longer be a problem.
But if Cuban lets Nelson return to the management and Johnson continues to coach.
Then Nelson also needs to be reminded of those problems last season.
After all, even if Johnson is really stubborn, Johnson will definitely listen to the words of his former coach and his boss.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything.”
Nelson said with a smile.
Anne’s condition improved and he was in a good mood.
The loss last season allowed him to come back and save the team just like he did in previous seasons.
On the evening of June 24, the 2004 NBA Draft kicked off at Madison Square Garden in New York.
Before that, the lottery had ended and the lottery picks had been determined:
Well, that’s right, the Houston team improved significantly last year. The whole team dared to fight hard and finally won the lottery championship.
At the draft, Howard seemed to be in a more relaxed mood.
In fact, some outside media also got the news. Before that, he had already received a verbal commitment from the Magic.
/And that was no ordinary verbal commitment, it was a commitment made to him personally by Magic team owner Richard DeVos.
DeVos is 78 years old this year. The co-founder of Amway also has a long-standing reputation in the league.
What he said was basically a certainty.
The Magic fans at the scene also seemed impatient.
They already have T-Mac, if they get another Howard.
That’s right, that’s ano

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