l, the team he coached gave people the impression that the offense had no system, the defense was as lazy as mud, and the team’s discipline was a piece of cake.


l, the team he coached gave people the impression that the offense had no system, the defense was as lazy as mud, and the team’s discipline was a piece of cake.
Then, there was a famous scene that also appeared in this finals: hands folded across the chest, dumbfounded.
Regardless of whether the team is lagging behind or being chased by points, the biggest reaction he can make seems to be this.
Therefore, someone summed up his coaching ability very well: It seems to be OK, but after using it, it is found that it is really not good.
Of course, Scott’s coaching resume in the NBA is very successful, and this success is because although he has average ability as a head coach, he is an excellent player mentor.
Whether coaching Kidd or Paul, he brings out the talents and abilities of both. This is his ability.
It’s just that this ability cannot solve the current dilemma the Bulls are facing.
Trailing 0-1 at home, although the finals have just begun, the Bulls are already on the verge of danger.
It’s very possible that they won’t have a chance to return to the United Center to play.
/The Bulls know this, and so do Chicago fans.
So what you can see is that the atmosphere at the United Center tonight is even more enthusiastic than in the opening game of the Finals.
That familiar ocean, the United Center dreamed back to the Dynasty that night.
When the Bulls players entered the court, they were instantly filled with adrenaline.
Jordan is not here tonight, but they still have a morale aura.
After the opening ceremony, the starting lists of the two teams were announced.
The Bulls started the same game as they did on the field, with no adjustments.
Because the head coach is Scott, this is completely expected.
For the Warriors, Nelson did not use Ibaka as the starter as some fans speculated.
Mad scientists are not just “crazy” but also “science”.
In the second half of G1, he already realized that his “pseudo-small ball lineup” was not yet mature.
It is not mature yet, which means it is not yet time to use it as a conventional weapon.
After the game started, the situation was very similar to G1.
The Bulls played with great momentum amid the added atmosphere.
Although Yi Jianlian’s performance has declined, Paul stood up earlier.
Not getting the advantage, Nelson pushed Ibaka to the fifth position at the beginning of the decisive moment.
Ibaka caught the ball and hit the mid-range shot as soon as he came up, showing the same excellent touch as in G1.
/There are many players in history who have performed brilliantly in the playoffs and then earned themselves a place in the league.
The most typical example is Prince of the Pistons. He became famous for defending Tracy McGrady in the first battle, and was later reused and became the well-known “Little Prince.”
In this year’s finals, Ibaka showed defensive and mid-range talents, which helped the team as much as Prince did back then.
He also “typed it out.”
Then the Bulls had nothing to do with the Warriors’ style of play.
As th

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