, who had clearly seen who was coming, suppressed his heartbeat that was about to fly out of his chest, nodded sheepishly to a few people, and walked briskly, as if he was about to float. With quick steps, he walked toward the girl at the door who had already seen him, made him think about him day and night, and often appeared in his dreams.


, who had clearly seen who was coming, suppressed his heartbeat that was about to fly out of his chest, nodded sheepishly to a few people, and walked briskly, as if he was about to float. With quick steps, he walked toward the girl at the door who had already seen him, made him think about him day and night, and often appeared in his dreams.
“Looking for me?” Wang Bo walked up to Liang Ya and said softly, with a broad face with a slight smile, and his eyes were bold yet gentle, deep and affectionate.
One after another, the two came to the sky corridor five or six meters away from the Class 7 classroom and stopped. Liang Ya raised her head and glanced at Wang Bo, with a stunned look on her face, and said rather embarrassedly: “Originally, the tape could be returned to you today, but after a classmate borrowed it, it was snatched away by a classmate from Class 5. This tape was , it may take a while before I can return it to you.”
Wang Bo guessed that Liang Ya was looking for him about the tape. He thought Liang Ya was returning the tape to him, and he was still thinking about how to persuade the other party to accept this small meeting gift. Now that Liang Ya said this, there was no need for it.
“It’s okay, Liang Ya. I made a lot of copies of this song when I was recording the song in the recording studio in Chengshi. You don’t have to rush to return it. If you’re interested, just keep it. Anyway, I still have it at home. It’s a lot, and I won’t miss your plate. Just keep it as a souvenir.” Wang Bo said with a smile.
/“Oh!” Liang Ya said “oh” and bit her lip with her white jade-like teeth. Her fair and slender neck was slightly tilted, and her long eyelashes were raised, as if she was thinking. After a moment, Liang Ya nodded gently, looked at Wang Bo and said, “Thank you.” ”
Haha, no need! It’s not worth two cents, so what’s there to thank you for?” Wang Bo laughed, feeling cheerful. , like flowers blooming, “By the way, Liang Ya, have you listened to my song “Meet”? What do you think? Can it be heard in your ears?” “It sounds
great. The lyrics and music are good, and you can sing well too. , no worse than some celebrities!” Liang Ya smiled and admired her heartily.
Being praised personally by his sweetheart, Wang Bo felt as if he had been tricked, but he said modestly: “I just write and sing!” Then he pretended to be “relieved” and said, “But, If you all think it’s okay, you should be able to pass this National Day performance.”
Liang Ya was surprised, “Ah, you want to sing this song at tomorrow’s performance? Your Class 7 program is not a modern dance. “Hey
, there are two programs in our class this time, one is Sun Li’s dance, and the other is my solo. If I get nervous and sing out of tune, you can Don’t you laugh? You want to give me some applause to encourage me!” As the chat with Liang Ya continued, Wang Bo, who was a little nervous at first, became more and more relaxed and natural. In a relaxed and happy mood, he even started to talk. A joke.
/Wang Bo and Liang Ya were talking quietly on th

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