and his entire body was hidden in the shadows.


Sensing Pound’s gaze from the Baron, the figure slowly raised his head and looked over.
His face was covered with red, yellow, and white paint, just like the funniest clown.
Rafter was about to shout loudly, turn around and run away, but he saw a revolver pointed at him and heard two low and hoarse words:
/“I advise you not to do anything unwise.”
“If you cooperate well, I will not harm you, nor will I take your belongings, if you still have them.”
Rafter Pound’s expression changed a few times, he closed the bedroom door very honestly, then half-raised his hands and sat on the edge of the bed.
“What, what do you want me to do?” He burped and reminded with a slight trembling of his body, “The opposite side is Silveras Field.”
“I know, but I think I’m closer to you than Silveras Field.” Klein, disguised as a clown, changed his voice and accent and warned, “And my purpose is just to ask you some questions. .”
Before coming to Silveras Street, he divined in the mysterious space above the gray fog whether this trip was dangerous, and got a very safe answer.
“The question” Rafter’s lips moved for a while, and he smiled bitterly, “Here it comes again. I will never be able to escape this nightmare.”
“Many people have asked,” Klein followed his words.
“No, I didn’t just ask my cousin. After the respected old Viscount passed away, too many things happened around me. The kind old housekeeper resigned for no reason and went to who knows where. Those attendants and maids didn’t know where they were. They changed one after another without warning, becoming strange and cold. They were looking for something, yes, looking for something. I was less than 10 years old at the time, so I could only look at it like that, and I didn’t dare to tell others. I was afraid that I would never see it again. I can’t wake up,” Rafter replied in a dejected tone.
What are you looking for? Are you looking for that underground building or the treasures of the Pound family? For example, the extraordinary properties and magical items buried near the evil spirit. The royal family and the church should not be unaware of it. The higher-ups must know about the immortality of extraordinary properties and the law of conservation. The Pound family is ruined, and similar things should be recovered. Unless the old Viscount spent a lot of money to purchase additional extraordinary properties and magical items of the same sequence, thereby hiding the matter of the underground building from the past. Klein listened calmly. Finally, a lot of speculations arose.
He seemed relaxed, but in fact he could take action at any time and asked:
“How long have these days lasted?”
“I don’t know, I don’t know. I’m surrounded by faces I don’t recognize. How can I be sure that the remaining people are not accomplices? Haha, I pretended that I didn’t find anything, and passed in trembling for several years. Then under their inducement, Drinking, playing with women, gambling, smoking marijuana, and doing all kinds of thi

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